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Although a characteristic feature of this type of bird is the 'tiptoe' position, there exist GD42 glyphs where this feature is not visible, e.g. Aa1-1, Ab6-14 and Aa6-31:


On the other hand when this feature is seen, that is enough to draw the conclusion that the glyph belongs to GD42 even if other signs indicate other GD:s as the main character. Examples: Ab4-22 (GD22), Aa1-10 (GD15), Aa2-19 (GD15)


A hyperlink leads to GD23, where there are birds with a somewhat similar shape - though without the characteristic 'tiptoe' position, e.g. Ab6-43:

When the 'tiptoe' position occurs on a bird with hanging head, e.g. Ab2-33, Ab4-18 and Aa3-42, the glyphs are not classified as GD42 but as GD54:


A hyperlink leads from GD42 to GD54.

Aa1-76 is unusual and it can be discussed whether its 'head' is hanging down or not, and I have after much hesitation decided to classify the glyph as GD42:

The 'tiptoe' may be transformed, as in Aa1-63, Ab3-28 and Aa6-48, but still we can recognize the feature: