The Head of Orion was not as it should - where the star ought to have been there was instead a kitchen fire (cooking place).
In day number 163, in the center between Rigel (β) and Betelgeuze (α) was Heka (λ):
... The Heka triplet is where we otherwise would have expected to see a bright single star representing Orion's head (when looking from a location in the northern hemisphere) ... λ and the two stars phi furnish an easy refutation of the popular error as to the apparent magnitude of the moon's disc, Colas writing of this in the Celestial Handbook of 1892: In looking at this triangle nobody would think that the moon could be inserted in it; but as the distance from λ to φ¹ is 27', and the distance from φ¹ to φ² is 33', it is a positive fact; the moon's mean apparent diameter being 31' 7''. This illusion, prevalent in all ages, has attracted the attention of many great men; Ptolemy, Roger Bacon, Kepler, and others having treated of it. The lunar disc, seen by the naked eye of an uninstructed observer, appears, as it is frequently expressed 'about the size of a dinner-plate', but should be seen as only equal to a peppercorn ...
... Al Maisān [The Proudly Marching One], the title of γ Geminorum [Alhena], by some error of Firuzabadi was applied to this star [Heka, λ Orionis] as Meissa, and is now common for it. Al Sufi called it Al Tahāyī; but Al Ferghani and Al Tizini knew it as Rās al Jauzah, the Head of the Jauzah, which it marks. The original Arabic name, Al Hak'ah, a White Spot, was from the added faint light of the smaller φ¹and φ² in the background, and has descended to us as Heka and Hika. These three stars were another of the Athāfiyy [tripods used for cooking] of the Arabs; and everywhere in early astrology were thought, like all similar groups, to be of unfortunate influence in human affairs. They constituted the Euphratean lunar station Mas-tab-ba-tur-tur, the Little Twins, a title also found for γ and η Geminorum; and individually were important stars among the Babylonians, rising to them with the sun at the summer solstice, and, with α and γ, were known as Kakkab Sar, the Constellation of the King ...
Life originated from mud; from earth mixed with water, a marshy land (kua noho te vai), i.e. from oone hekaheka. One, sand. Oneone (reduplication of oone which see below), dirty, covered in soil, in mud. Vanaga. Oone, ground, soil; mud; dirty, to get dirty. Vanaga. One, sword. (Cf. oe, dorsal fin; àè, sword.) Ta.: óé, sword, lance. Churchill. Oone, sand, clay, dirt, soil, mire, mud, muck, gravel, filth, manure, dust, to dirty; ao oone, shovel; egu oone vehuvehu, mud; moo te oone, shovel; oone hekaheka, mud; puo ei oone, to daub; kerihaga oone, husbandman; oone veriveri, mud; oone no, muck, to dirty, to powder; vai oone, roiled water; oone rari, marsh, swamp; oonea, dirty T; ooneoone, sandy; oonevai, clay T; hakaoone, to pollute, to soil. P Mgv.: one, land in general, earth, soil. Mq.: one, sand, beach. Ta.: one, sand, dust, gravel. Churchill. Miro-oone, model boat made of earth in which the 'boat festivals' used to be celebrated. Vanaga. ... on the first day of the year the natives dress in navy uniforms and performs exercises which imitate the maneuvers of ships' crews ... Métraux. ... Sorrowing, then, the two women placed Osiris's coffer on a boat, and when the goddess Isis was alone with it at sea, she opened the chest and, laying her face on the face of her brother, kissed him and wept. The myth goes on to tell of the blessed boat's arrival in the marshes of the Delta, and of how Set, one night hunting the boar by the light of the full moon, discovered the sarcophagus and tore the body into fourteen pieces, which he scattered abroad; so that, once again, the goddess had a difficult task before her. She was assisted, this time, however, by her little son Horus, who had the head of a hawk, by the son of her sister Nephtys, little Anubis, who had the head of a jackal, and by Nephtys herself, the sister-bride of their wicked brother Set. Anubis, the elder of the two boys, had been conceived one very dark night, we are told, when Osiris mistook Nephtys for Isis; so that by some it is argued that the malice of Set must have been inspired not by the public virtue and good name of the noble culture hero, but by this domestic inadventure. The younger, but true son, Horus, on the other hand, had been more fortunately conceived - according to some, when Isis lay upon her dead brother in the boat, or, according to others, as she fluttered about the palace pillar in the form of a bird. The four bereaved and searching divinities, the two mothers and their two sons, were joined by a fifth, the moon-god Thoth (who appears sometimes in the form of an ibis-headed scribe, at other times in the form of a baboon), and together they found all of Osiris save his genital member, which had been swallowed by a fish. ![]() They tightly swathed the broken body in linen bandages, and when they performed over it the rites that thereafter were to be continued in Egypt in the ceremonial burial of kings, Isis fanned the corpse with her wings and Osiris revived, to become the ruler of the dead. He now sits majestically in the underworld, in the Hall of the Two Truths, assisted by forty-two assessors, one from each of the principal districts of Egypt; and there he judges the souls of the dead. These confess before him, and when their hearts have been weighed in a balance against a feather, receive, according to their lives, the reward of virtue and the punishment of sin ... The Head of Hercules (Ras Algethi) and the Head of Ophiuchus (the Serpent Carrier) were separated by only 6 days. ... An oracle reached him from the town of Buto, which said 'six years only shalt thou live upon this earth, and in the seventh thou shalt end thy days'. Mycerinus, indignant, sent an angry message to the oracle, reproaching the god with his injustice - 'My father and uncle,' he said 'though they shut up the temples, took no thought of the gods and destroyed multitudes of men, nevertheless enjoyed a long life; I, who am pious, am to die soon!' There came in reply a second message from the oracle - 'for this very reason is thy life brought so quickly to a close - thou hast not done as it behoved thee. Egypt was fated to suffer affliction one hundred and fifty years - the two kings who preceded thee upon the throne understood this - thou hast not understood it'. Mycerinus, when this answer reached him, perceiving that his doom was fixed, had lamps prepared, which he lighted every day at eventime, and feasted and enjoyed himself unceasingly both day and night, moving about in the marsh-country and the woods, and visiting all the places he heard were agreeable sojourns. His wish was to prove the oracle false, by turning night into days and so living twelve years in the space of six ... Heka (λ Orionis) rose heliacally in June 12 (*83) and half a year away was heliacal Ras Alhague (*266 = *83 + *183 = *260 + *6).
The new King after Hercules would be Ophiuchus, and he should arrive when Heka was at the Full Moon. The half year following the dry and hot summer was a cold and wet winter.
At the time of the Bull the Sun would have reached the pyramid of Menkaure (Mycerinus) in day 100 (= APRIL 10) - in the day after Heka - and 180 days later the Sun would have been at the Sting of the Scorpion: