And from this we can take another step, comparing with period no. 21 in the Keiti version of the calendar of the year:
Eb5-18 Eb5-19 Eb5-20

Here we are also in the period of five extracalendar days (Eb5-19). Reasonably we will then guess that the variant of oval shape at left in Eb5-18 has been imprinted with a viri sign at bottom, showing that we are at winter solstice.

The five, here upwards oriented, lines inside the 'orbit' of Eb5-19 are distributed in a way that looks a bit similar to that in Kb4-8 (though inverted):

What does that mean? In Kb4-8 it is possible to 'read' the line close to the bottom as the 'central pillar' and then above this line the four lines of supporting toko (grouped as 2 + 2, i.e. two in each half-year). That does not seem possible in Eb5-19, where the pattern rather is (from bottom upwards): 1 + 1 + 3. Is the bottom line straight? Curvature seems to increase upwards.

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