Once again, a kind of birth from the Knee Cap seems to be illustrated in day 214 (August 2):

(12 * 12) MAY 25 (145) 26 (210 - 64) 27 28 (148)   29 30 (121 + 29)
Hb4-17 (164) Hb4-18 Hb4-19 Hb4-20 Hb4-21 (168) (147 + 22) (150 + 20)
July 27 (208) *129 BEEHIVE *131 *132 Aug 1 (185 + 29)
MAY 1 (*41)






MAY 11 (*51)






MAY 27 (*67)

Hb3-41 (141)

Hb4-4 (151)

Hb4-20 (167)

ω Gemini (*105.4)

α Monocerotis (*115.4)

July 4 (185 = 121 + 64)

July 14 (195 = 121 + 74)

July 30 (211 = 185 + 26)

NUNKI (*288.4)

β Sagittae (*298.0)

ALBALI (*314)

And to continue with the next sequence of 29 (= 199 - 170) days:

MAY 31 (151) JUNE 1 2 (217 - 64) 3 (138 + 16) 4 (155) 5 6 (314 / 2)
Hb4-24 (171) Hb4-25 (147 + 26) Hb4-27 Hb4-28 (175) Hb4-29 Hb4-30 (177)
Aug 3 (215) 4 (2 * 108) 9h (*137.0) *138 *139 8 (220, *140) AL MINHAR AL ASAD

... It was 4 August 1968, and it was the feast day of Saint Dominic, patron of Santo Domingo Pueblo, southwest of Santa Fe. At one end of the hot, dusty plaza, a Dominican priest watched nervously as several hundred dancers arranged in two long rows pounded the earth with their moccasined feet as a mighty, collective prayer for rain, accompanied by the powerful baritone singing of a chorus and the beat of drums. As my family and I viewed this, the largest and in some ways the most impressive Native American public ceremony, a tiny cloud over the Jémez Mountains to the northwest got larger and larger, eventually filling up the sky; at last the storm broke, and the sky was crisscrossed by lightning and the pueblo resounded with peals of rolling thunder ...

JUNE 7 8 9 (144 + 16) 10 (161) 11 12 13 (164) 14
Hb4-31 Hb4-32 Hb4-33 (180) Hb4-34 Hb4-35 Hb4-36 Hb4-37 (184) (147 + 38)

Itzam-Yeh defeated

28 May (148), 3149 BC

1st 3-stone place

21 May (141), 3114 BC

Creation of our present world

13 August (225), 3114 BC

Och ta chan (Hun-Nal-Ye 'entered or became the sky')

5 February (36), 3112 BC

21 May, 3114 BC - 5 February, 3112 BC = 542

542 'happens to be' the sum of 365 days and 6 * 29˝ nights.

JUNE 15 16 17 (168) 18 19 20 MIDSUMMER
Hb4-39 Hb4-40 Hb4-41 (188) Hb4-42 Hb4-43 Hb4-44 Hb4-45 (192)
*150 *151 REGULUS *153 *154 *155 *156
Aug 18 (230) 19 20 21 22 23 24 (236)
JUNE 22 23 ST JOHN'S DAY 25 26 (6 * 29˝) 27 (178) 28
Hb4-46 Hb4-47 Hb4-48 (195) Hb4-49 Hb4-50 (147 + 51) Hb5-1 (199)
*157 SHIR *159 *160 *161 *162 *163
Aug 25 (237) 26 27 28 29 (177 + 64) 30 (2 * 121) 31