In the Keiti calendar
Ea7-7--Ea7-22 there are
three glyphs of type GD14.
And those have all that kind
of outwards hand we just saw
in the 31st and last period
of G / K. And then we find GD14 in the calendar of the year in Keiti, in the 1st period (Eb1-40). This may be explained as due to the time of birth, i.e. the 5 (6) black nights between the 'real' years. Then, in the 10th period, GD14 is once more found, this time in association with a 'seating' person with uplifted arms like in Hb5-37, but with his arms tapering off into 'Clara-knives' . No feet visible, just unfinished legs. Why in this the 10th period? There are no more appearances of GD14 in this calendar. The 10th period is located between winter and summer solstice. The impression from the three glyphs in the calendar Ea7-7--Ea7-22 is also that GD14 should be in the 1st half-year. 10 / 24 * 360 = 150. If we count the 'real' year as having only 10 months (300 days), then the mid-point of the 'real' year is in the 10th period. The first 'real' half-year dies and the second 'real' half-year is being born. Does the double sequences with GD14 allude to 'second'? If so, then the last - short - sequence of the 10th period is barren (in the dark, no GD14). But in all three sequences we have the same type of GD53. Logic therefore tells me that these three sequences each pertains to one double-month period. Now I have written about GD14 in my glyph dictionary.