One more comment about henua. Two glyphs earlier (Hb5-35) another henua, without internal marks of darkness, is leaning, slightly but clearly:

That is remarkable. It is the only example of this kind of glyph in H. Yes, in fact it is the only example I have found in an extensive and very detailed survey (I have made earlier and not to be seen anywhere in this site, at least so far) over all the glyphs of GD37 in the texts A, B, C, G, H, K, P and Q.

I suppose that in principle this unique glyph could be a picture of the leaning axis of the earth. How much is it leaning? The axis of the earth is leaning ca 23½ degrees. 23½ 'nights' is in a way the 'leap' between old and new year and two months are needed for security reasons.

The 'staff' in Hb5-35 is definitely not leaning so much. Possibly it is leaning 5-6 degrees.

Although I did not find any more of this special variant of GD37 I did find somewhat similar types. I think it is necessary to investigate these now to see íf there might be any parallels. As this new investigation is a special one, not immediately concerned with Hb5-37, the hyperlink to the detour needed is here, not below at 'next page'.

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