Before starting with that, however, I must first correct myself as regards the idea that

could mean the year as divided into three 'seasons'. Hardly so! GD24 can only be referring to the dark side of the year and the same goes for GD45. Instead of three subdivisions of the year we may see three subdivisions of the dark half-year.

180 / 3 = 60 is a reasonable interpretation, and the mid-section would then stand for the (solar) double-month covering the leap between old and new year, i.e. the months Maro and Anakena.

And while I am adjusting previous mistakes I might as well add an idea which should have been included: That the three wavy lines in GD31 are quite similar to the form of GD33 and that they therefore also presumably are carrying a similar message; that one season is ending and another starting. Death and rebirth, a mystic happening in the dark.

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