Hb5-12 Hb5-13 Hb5-14 Hb5-21 Hb5-23 Hb5-26

The 'body' of all these 6 glyphs are identical. 3 have signs. In Hb5-21 we can read that 4 is ending. Which four? Perhaps the seasons. Perhaps the first 4 of the 5 (or 6) 'dark' nights between the years.

I remember that curious glyph (Ca4-2) in Mamari:

The rightmost of the 5 'seeds' has maro (with 7 marks) and a stem with 4 leaves. In my earlier thoughts about this glyph I arrived at the idea that those 4 leaves illustrated the 4 extra days to reach 364. Perhaps Hb5-23 (and sometimes also Hb5-24) represent the still not yet born new year?

The word 'yet' is strange. What does it really mean? Metoro (at Ca4-2) says: kua tupu - te kihikihi, which makes me think of growth from the ashes (of last year, sun). Like the bird Phoenix.


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