That the light-fingers in hoea are bent forwards ought to mean that light is receding, not increasing, that the calendar of the day has taught us. Eating fingers means increasing, hand in the opposite direction means light giving (a)way. But I have earlier made a guess that the hoea with fingers meant spring equinox. If that guess is correct, then hoea with fingers always ought to have the fingers bent towards the right. Maybe they are always bent towards right because that is the shape of hoea without the mark of fingers. If that is right, then the sequence we are studying is showing increasing light (Hb4-26), but also a mark of bending (Hb4-26), followed by (Hb4-27) the 'thumb' (as in the thumb of the sun god at Tiahuanaco) of hoea meaning an equinox. Before spring equinox light is increasing, before autumn equinox light is receding. On the other hand poporo means darkness. If darkness comes after equinox it must be autumn equinox. The signs are telling two opposite tales, light increasing and light decreasing. Are we therefore at summer solstice? Metoro said hoea at Ab1-1. This perhaps means that in the beginning unmarked hoea was the one with fingers - in accordance with the hands of the sun god at Tiahuanaco.