Then let's go back to the
sitting shark (shadow). The
open mouth of this type of
shark reminds us about our
earlier find, that this
mouth at least sometimes
represent haga (GD36).
And we now know (?) that the
primary meaning of haga
is darkness. It seems that this shadowy shark of darkness is the period just before the 5 chaotic nights when the old year dies and the new year is born. That is probably what we should read in the first glyph of 1a. And here, in 2a, there must be some similar meaning. First the shark, then the bent henua, then the armless figure. Is he a baby? Babies in Polynesia used to be wrapped up into small bundles, no arms sticking out. I search for this type of glyph among all the calendars we have gone through until now and the first example is located just before midsummer. On next page I have copied this and the surrounding glyphs.