Another possibility for arranging six stones is to put them as on a die:
I have written earlier that I guess this type of glyph means a half-year and consequently I believe this arrangement could mean a year. Tauono, Six Stars / Stones, was also called Matariki, Little Eyes. Stars may be seen as eyes looking down on us, presumably the eyes of the ancient ones. Another explanation of Matariki is that it is an abbreviation of Mata-ariki, Eyes of the king. That an eye should be vertically divided (by a straw) in two halves still has to be explained. Night and day, winter and summer, 29 nights and 30 nights, the two halves of a clam, the two hulls of a double-canoe, man and wife etc etc. Objective nature certainly has a model based on two. So the division into two does not need any further explanation. What needs to be explained is the vertical division. Why not a horizontal division, an eye divided with a horizontal straw? I think that the 'straw' really should be a string. Because a string is used when measuring. You can also put pearls or cowries on a string. And if you divide vertically, then do you have the North Star above and the South Pole somewhere down below? No, not on Easter Island. The Polynesians knew that what is above is a matter of position in space, i.e. latitude. It is better to divide vertically, because then the line will show what is more important; e.g. that morning is arriving or that night soon will fall. Longitude is difficult to ascertain. The Chinese turtle shell we looked at as if it was clear that it should be divided horizontally. Let us divide it vertially instead. |