"Hamiora Pio once spoke as follows to the writer: 'Friend! Let me tell of the offspring of Tangaroa-akiukiu, whose two daughters were Hine-raumati (the Summer Maid - personified form of summer) and Hine-takurua (the Winter Maid - personification of winter), both of whom where taken to wife by the sun." 

"Now, these women had different homes. Hine-takurua lived with her elder Tangaroa (a sea being - origin and personified form of fish). Her labours were connected with Tangaroa - that is, with fish. Hine-raumati dwelt on land, where she cultivated food products, and attended to the taking of game and forest products, all such things connected with Tane."


"The Sun spends part of the year with the Winter Maid in the south, afar out on the ocean. In the month of June occurs the changing of the Sun and he slowly returns to his other wife, to the Summer Maid who dwells on land and whose other name is Aroaro-a-manu. This period we call summer. And so acts the Sun in all the years.

The child of the Summer Maid was Hikohiko. The old folk have told me [Hamiora Pio, a learned Maori] that at the time of the winter solstice the wise men of yore would say 'The Sun is returning to land to dwell with the Summer Maid.'

The word south in the first sentence should read north in order to make the statement consistent with the actual situation in the latitude of New Zealand. The myth had apparently been brought intact from an ancient habitat in the northern hemisphere."
