1. In the 2nd and 3rd periods there is a bulge at left, in the following periods there is a bulge at the top. Otherwhere I have seen this bulge also at the right or at the bottom. There is even one example in Tahua (Aa6-63) where the bulge is oriented in between the left and the top:
2. In the 8th period there is a sign in the form of a hanging 'thread' similar to the one in Mamari's 6th period (which I believe indicates the 26th night Orongo). Are there 9 periods in Keiti (instead of 8 as in Mamari) because the dark period (no. 8 in Mamari) is divided in two in Keiti, with the month starting and ending in darkness? I refer to my ideas concerning the meaning of the elbow adornment in Monday (Ea5-1). 3. Not so obvious is that the glyphs in the 4th and 6th periods have higher ovals (also in periods nos. 1-3) than those in the periods 5, 7-9. Furthermore they look slightly different. 4. There is one more example in Keiti (Ea6-33) and this glyph is similar to those in the periods 5, 7-9:
5. I guess that the type seen in Ea6-33 could be the normal one (the one without any further signs, the unmarked glyph). The importance of distinguishing between marked and unmarked glyphs must here be stressed. |