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ku noho era a a Ira.i apina nui.i tuu mai Ira had remained in Apina Nui and was there when Makoi returned.

Ira gave the name 'Apina Nui A Papa Nihoniho A Vere Nuanua A Papa O Rae' to the neck of the figure of Hinariru.

ai.a a apina nui.he nape e Ira
i te ingoa.ko apina nui a Papa nihoniho
a vere nuanua a Papa o rae i te ngao o te
moai o hinariru.
Vere. 1. Beard, moustache (vede G); vere gutu, moustache; verevere, shaggy, hairy, tow, oakum. Mgv.: veri, bristly, shaggy, chafed (of a cord long in use). Mq.: veevee, tentacles. Ta.: verevere, eyelash. 2. To weed (ka-veri-mai, pick, cut-grass T); verevere, to weed. P Mgv.: vere, to weed. Mq.: veéveé, vavee, id. 3. Verega, fruitful, valuable; verega kore, unfruitful, valueless, contemptible, vain, futile, frivolous; tae verega, insignificant, valueless; mataku verega kore, scruple. Mgv.: verega, a design put into execution; one who is apte, useful, having a knowledge how to do things. 4. Ta.: verevere, pudenda muliebria. Ma.: werewere, id. (labia minora). Churchill. Sa.: apungaleveleve, apongaleveleve, a spider, a web. To.: kaleveleve, a large spider. Fu.: kaleveleve, a spider, a web. Niuē: kaleveleve, a cobweb. Nukuoro: halaneveneve, a spider. Uvea: kaleveleve, a spider. Mgv.: pungaverevere, a spider. Pau.: pungaverevere, cloth. Mg.: pungaverevere, a cobweb. Ta.: puaverevere, id. Mao.: pungawerewere, puawerewere, puwerewere, a spider. Ha.: punawelewele, a spider, a web. Mq.: pukaveevee, punaveevee, id. Vi.: lawa, a fishing net; viritālawalawa, a cobweb; butalawalawa, a spider. Churchill 2.

Nua. 1. Mother; this seems a more ancient word than matu'a poreko. 2. Blanket, clothing, cape formerly made from fibres of the mahute tree. Vanaga. Cloak T. Churchill. Nu'a 1. Thick; piled one on top of the other, as leis, mats, or ocean swells; heaped; lush, thick-growing; much traveled, as a road; multitude, as of people, mass. Also hānu'a. Moena kumu nu'a, a sleeping mat made thick at one end to serve as a head rest; lit. 'mat piled beginning'. Nu'a moena, a heap of mats. Nu'a kanaka, many people. Haki nu'a ka uahi i ke kai, the spray breaks in masses in the sea. Ka nu'a o ka palai, the thick clump of palai ferns. Ho'o nu'a, to heap up; to give generously and continuously; to indulge, as a child; surging, rising in swells, as the sea. 2. A kind of seaweed. Nu'a-kea, a goddess of lactation. Wehewehe.

Nuahine. 1. Old woman. 2. Ko te Nuahine ká umu a ragi kotekote, ancient name of 'the woman in the moon' inspired by the resemblance of its landscape with the likeness of a woman sitting, lighting the fire of her oven. Vanaga. Nuehine. Old woman. Churchill. "[Englert 1948, 165:] '... se selia nombrar Ko te Nuahine káumu à rangi kote kote que significa: La vieja que enciende el curanto en el cielo kotekote. Puedo haber sido una personificación de la luna porque las viejos decían, comentando este nombre, que no es una montaña que seve en la luna, sino una mujer anciana que está suntada [sentada?] al lado un gran curanto umu pae (de piedras en circulo)." (Barthel)

ina kai hakamaa Penei e ku naa ana te moai Nothing [ina kai] at all was said, and thus [penei] the figure and the ornament remained a secret [naa].
te tuitui reipa.
he hoki he oho mai arurua.he oo ki roto ki te ana The two turned around, went on, entered [he oo ki roto ki] the cave, and remained there.

Ira took [he too mai] the string (hau) for making string-figures (kaikai) in order to introduce [uru mo hakamaa] Makoi to the game and help him gain knowledge of the content (urunga) of the string-figures.

he noho.he too mai a Ira.i te hau mo te kaikai
mo hakamaa i a Makoi.i te urunga o te kai(-)
Uruga. Prophetic vision. It is said that, not long before the first missionaries' coming a certain Rega Varevare a Te Niu saw their arrival in a vision and travelled all over the island to tell it: He-oho-mai ko Rega Varevare a Te Niu mai Poike, he mimiro i te po ka-variró te kaiga he-kî i taana uruga, he ragi: 'E-tomo te haûti i Tarakiu, e-tomo te poepoe hiku regorego, e-tomo te îka ariga koreva, e-tomo te poporo haha, e-kiu te Atua i te ragi'. I te otea o te rua raá he-tu'u-hakaou ki Poike; i te ahi mo-kirokiro he-mate. Rega Varevare, son of Te Niu, came from Poike, and toured the island proclaiming his vision: 'A wooden house will arrive at Tarakiu (near Vaihú), a barge will arrive, animals will arrive with the faces of eels (i.e. horses), golden thistles will come, and the Lord will be heard in heaven'. The next morning he arrived back in Poike, and in the evening when it was getting dark, he died. Vanaga.


... string games could be resumed after it was clear that the Sun had managed to leave the horizon and was rapidly gaining in altitude: 'Before the sun starts to leave the horizon ... when it shows only on the horizon, ... then string games were no longer allowed as they might lacerate the sun. Once the sun had started to go higher and could be seen in its entirety, string games could be resumed, if one so wished. So the restriction on playing string games was only applicable during the period between the sun's return and its rising fully above the horizon ...

he uru a Ia.i te kaikai.he hakaiti i te kai(-) Ira went through (the forms of) the string figures and showed them to Makoi. Ira said to Makoi, 'Now you recite (? hoa mai) the verses (patautau) of these string figures'.

[Two stone statues, erua moai, of Tuu Hokorua:] (1) Ko Apina Iti ko Rapa Kura. Makoi.he ki a Makoi ka
hoa mai koe i te patautau o te kaikai nei.erua
moai a tuu hokorua ko apina iti ko rapa kura.
ko hanga a uo.a vave renga.he hoa mai a Makoi.i te (2) Ko Hanga o Uo a vave renga [Makoi began, he hoa mai, the verses, i te patautau] ko (3) Hanga Roa a tuki tukau.
patautau ko hangaroa a tuki tukau.okahu a uka
Hoa. 1. Master, owner; tagata hoa papaku, owner or relative of a dead; hoa manu, 'bird master', that is, he who received the first egg at the annual festivals in Orongo; he to'o mai e te hoa manu i te mamari ki toona rima, he ma'u, he hoko, the 'bird master' receives the egg in his hand and carries it, dancing. 2.Friend, companion: e ga hoa ê! 3. To cast away, to throw away, to abandon, perhaps also to expel. 4. To confess a sin; he hoa i te ta'u: term used of a category of rongorongo boards (see ta'u). Vanaga. 1. Friend; repa hoa, friend (male), comrade, companion, fellow; to confide; repa hoa titika, faithful friend; garu hoa, friend (either sex); uha hoa, friend (female); hoa kona, native T. 2. To abandon, to debark, to cast, to launch, to anchor, to let go, to give up, to reject, to repudiate, to suppress, to cut off, to jerk out, to proscribe, to reprove; hoahoa, to upset, to destroy. Churchill.
ui hetu.ra tahai a uo.ahu akapu a mata kura(-) (4) Okahu a uka ui hetuu. (5) Ra Tahai a uo. (6) Ahu Akapu a mata kurakura.
Kura. 1. Also: poukura, the short, thin, multicoloured feathers of chickens and other birds. 2. The best of something, choice. Vanaga. Tutui kura, shawl. Kurakura, fair, light. Hakakurakura, to make to blush. P Pau.: kurakura, red, violet. Mgv.: kurakura, red, yellow, scarlet. Mq.: uáuá, red, ruddy. Ta.: uraura, red. Churchill.
kura.kihikihi rau mea.a rapa rau renga (7) Kihikihi Rau Mea. A rapa rau

(8) Renga Tini a toto renga.

(9) Vai A Mei a uhi kapokapo.

(10) Rua Ngau a nua ngirongiro.

(11) Roro Hau a mana ai rea

(12) Vai Poko a raa mata turu.

(13) Ko Te Hereke a kino ariki.

tini a toto renga.vai a mei a uhi kapokapo.rua
ngau a nua ngirongiro.roro hau a mana ai rea
vai poko a raa mata turu.ko te hereke a kino a(-)
E:38 1 Ko Apina Iti 2 Ko Hanga O Uo 3 Hanga Roa 4 Okahu 5 Ra Tahai 6 Ahu Akapu
7 Kihikihi Rau Mea 8 Renga A Tini 9 Vai A Mei 10 Rua A Ngau 11 Roro Hau 12 Vai Poko 13 Ko Te Hereke
riki.hatu ngoio a taotao ika.ara koreu a pari (14) Hatu Ngoio a taotao ika.

(15) Ara Koreu a pari maehaeha.

(16) Hanga Kuokuo a vave renga.

(17) Opata Roa a mana aia.

(18) Vai Tara Kai Uo a ngao roaroa a ngao tokotokoa.

(19) Hia Uka a hakairiiri [to cause to rise] a hakaturuturu [to cause to descend].

(20) Hanga Ohiro a pakipaki renga.

maehaeha.hanga kuokuo a vave renga. opata
roa a mana aia.vai tara kai uo a ngao roaroa
a ngao tokotokoa.hia uka a hakairiiri a haka(-)
turuturu.hanga ohiro a pakipaki renga.
Uka. Uka hoa, female friend, companion. Ukauka: 1. Firewood. 2. Leathery, tough. PS Mgv.: ukauka, hard to chew. Mq.: ukakoki, leathery. Ta.: uaua, id. Sa.: u'a, tough, tenacious, glutinous. To.: uka, sticky. Niuē; uka, tough. Viti: kaukamea, metal. Churchill.

Iri. 1. To go up; to go in a boat on the sea (the surface of which gives the impression of going up from the coast): he-eke te tagata ki ruga ki te vaka, he-iri ki te Hakakaiga, the men boarded the boat and went up to Hakakainga. 2. Ka-iri ki puku toiri ka toiri. Obscure expression of an ancient curse. Vanaga. Iri-are, a seaweed. Vanaga. To. 1. Particle sometimes used with the article in ancient legends; i uto to te hau, the ribbon was in the float. 2. To rise (of the sun) during the morning hours up to the zenith: he-to te raá. Vanaga. 1. Of. T Pau., Ta.: to, of. Mgv.: to, genitive sign. Mq.: to, of, for. 2. This, which. Churchill. Mgv.: To, to make a canoe of planks. Mq.: to, to build a canoe. Sa.: to, to build. Churchill. Puku.1. To feel an urge to defecate or to urinate, etc.: ku-puku-á te mimi: to need to urinate. 2. Rock, boulder: puku ma'ea; puku oone, hillock, earth mound. 3. Puku tagata, pubis. Puku-ine, to get stuck in the oesophagus (of food). Pukupuku, joints, bones of a joint; pukupuku rima, wrist bones; pukupuku va'e, ankle. Pukuraga, followers, disciples, students. Puku rekoreko is the juicy part between two knots (puku). Vanaga. 1. Puku haga oao, east, east wind. 2. Pubes. T Mgv.: puku, clitoris; pukuhou, the age of puberty; pukutea, a man between 30 and 45. 3. Unripe; puku no, unripe; pukupuku, green, immature. Mgv. puku, to be unripe. Mq.: puku, a fruit which has not yet reached its maturity. 4. To gorge; mahaga puku, to take the bait greedily. PS Sa.: pu'u, to take the whole at one mouthful, to put into the mouth whole. Fu.: pukupuku, to rinse the mouth, to gargle. Niuē: puku, to take into the mouth. Pukuhina, (puku 4), to choke on a fishbone. Pau.: pukua, to choke with a fishbone. Mgv.: pukua, to be suffocated by anything that sticks in the throat. Mq.: pukua, bad deglutition. Ta.: puunena, puufeto, to choke, to gag. Ha.: puua, to be choked, to have something sticking in the throat. Pukupuku; 1. Elbow. G. 2. Wrinkled, knotty, wen, scrofula; gao pukupuku, scrofula. T Pau.: puku, a swelling; pukupuku, a wrinkle, knotty, rough. Mgv.: puku, a knot in the wood; pukupuku, knotted, rough, uneven, lumpy. Mq.: puku, knot in wood, boss, protuberance, tumor, boil; toopuku, toopuu, boil, wart, tumor; pukupuku, wrinkled, knotty. Ta.: puú, boss, protuberance, swelling; puúnono, tumour; puúpuú, wrinkled, knotty. Pukuraga, servant T. Churchill. Rei matapuku, necklace made of coral or of mother-of-pearl. Henry.

E:39 14 Hatu Ngoio 15 Ara Koreu 16 Hanga Kuokuo 17 Opata Roa 18 Vai Tara Kai Uo 19 Hia Uka 20 Hanga Ohiro
21 Roto Kahi 22 Papa Kahi 23 Puna A Tuki 24 Ehu Ko Mahatua 25 Maunga Teatea
26 Te Hakarava 27 Hanga Nui 28 Tongariki 29 Te Rano A Raraku 30 Oparingi 31 Motu Kumu Koka

Hiro. 1. A deity invoked when praying for rain (meaning uncertain). 2. To twine tree fibres (hauhau, mahute) into strings or ropes. Ohirohiro, waterspout (more exactly pú ohirohiro), a column of water which rises spinning on itself. Vanaga. To spin, to twist. P Mgv.: hiro, iro, to make a cord or line in the native manner by twisting on the thigh. Mq.: fió, hió, to spin, to twist, to twine. Ta.: hiro, to twist. This differs essentially from the in-and-out movement involved in hiri 2, for here the movement is that of rolling on the axis of length, the result is that of spinning. Starting with the coir fiber, the first operation is to roll (hiro) by the palm of the hand upon the thigh, which lies coveniently exposed in the crosslegged sedentary posture, two or three threads into a cord; next to plait (hiri) three or other odd number of such cords into sennit. Hirohiro, to mix, to blend, to dissolve, to infuse, to inject, to season, to streak with several colors; hirohiro ei paatai, to salt. Hirohiroa, to mingle; hirohiroa ei vai, diluted with water. Churchill. Ta.: Hiro, to exaggerate. Ha.: hilohilo, to lengthen a speech by mentioning little circumstances, to make nice oratorial language. Churchill. Whiro 'Steals-off-and-hides'; also [in addition to the name of Mercury] the universal name for the 'dark of the Moon' or the first day of the lunar month; also the deity of sneak thieves and rascals. Makemson.

19 Hia Uka ought to be located between 18 Vai-tara-kai-ua (uo) and 20 Hanga-o-hiro:

kua pua to hau te kahi huga kiore - henua

Hu. 1. Breaking of wind. T Mgv., uu, to break wind. Mq., Ta.: hu, id. 2. Whistling of the wind, to blow, tempest, high wind. P Pau.: huga, a hurricane. Churchill. Mgv.: hu, to burst, to crackle, to snap. Ha.: hu, a noise. Churchill.

... In other words, the ancient Druidic religion based on the oak-cult will be swept away by Christianity and the door - the god Llyr - will languish forgotten in the Castle of Arianrhod, the Corona Borealis. This helps us to understand the relationship at Rome of Janus and the White Goddess Cardea who is ... the Goddess of Hinges who came to Rome from Alba Longa. She was the hinge on which the year swung - the ancient Latin, not the Etruscan year - and her importance as such is recorded in the Latin adjective cardinalis - as we say in English 'of cardinal importance - which was also applied to the four main winds; for winds were considered as under the sole direction of the Great Goddess until Classical times ...

Cb2-14 Cb2-15 Cb2-16 (432 = 2 * 216)
May 24

HYADUM II = δ¹ Tauri (64.2)


Net-19 (Crow)

AIN (Eye) = ε Tauri, θ¹ Tauri, θ² Tauri (65.7)
26 (146)

no star listed (66)

'April 27 28 (118 = 4 * 29½) 29

... There was no water in the village. The lakes and rivers were dry. Raven and Crow, two young girls who were having their first menstrual courses, were told to go and draw water from the ocean. Finding the journey too long, Raven decided just to urinate into her basket-bucket. She decieved no one and was severly scolded. Crow returned much later but with drinking water. As a punishment, Raven was condemned never to find water in the summer; only in winter would she find something to drink. For that reason the Raven never drinks during the hot months; she speaks with a raucous voice because of her dry throat ...

DAY 64 DAY 1 = 65 - 64 2
- 1 Ko Apina Iti 2 Ko Hanga O Uo
Nov 23

Heart-5 (Fox)

σ Scorpii (247.0), HEJIAN = γ Herculis (247.2), ψ Ophiuchi (247.7)

ρ Ophiuchi (248.1), KAJAM (Club) = ω Herculis (248.3), χ Ophiuchi (248.5), SHE LOW (Market Tower) = υ Ophiuchi, Tr. Austr. (248.7), ζ Tr. Austr. (248.8)

25 (329)

Al Kalb-16 (The Heart) / Jyeshtha-18 (Eldest) / ANA-MUA-1 (Entrance pillar)

ANTARES = α Scorpii (249.1), MARFIK (Elbow)  = λ Ophiuchi, φ Ophiuchi (249.5),  ω Ophiuchi (249.8)
'Oct 27 (300) 28 29
0h MARCH 22 (*1) 23 (82)
no glyph
Ga1-1 Ga1-2
HYADUM II = δ¹ Tauri (64.2)

Net-19 (Crow)

AIN (Eye) = ε Tauri, θ¹ Tauri, θ² Tauri (65.7)
no star listed (66)
May 24 25 (145) 26 (*66)
°May 20 21 (*61) 22 (142)
'April 27 28 (118) 29 (*39)
"April 13 14 (104) 15 (*25)
DAY 64 DAY 1 = 65 - 64 2
- 1 Ko Apina Iti

 ko Rapa Kura

2 Ko Hanga O Uo

a vave renga

SEPT 20 (*183) 21 (264) EQUINOX

Heart-5 (Fox)

σ Scorpii (247.0), HEJIAN = γ Herculis (247.2), ψ Ophiuchi (247.7)
ρ Ophiuchi (248.1), KAJAM (Club) = ω Herculis (248.3), χ Ophiuchi (248.5), SHE LOW (Market Tower) = υ Ophiuchi, Tr. Austr. (248.7), ζ Tr. Austr. (248.8)

Al Kalb-16 (The Heart) / Jyeshtha-18 (Eldest) / ANA-MUA-1 (Entrance pillar)

ANTARES = α Scorpii (249.1), MARFIK (Elbow)  = λ Ophiuchi, φ Ophiuchi (249.5),  ω Ophiuchi (249.8
Nov 23 (327) 24 25 (*249)
°Nov 19 20 (*244) 21 (325)
'Oct 27 (300) 28 29 (*222)
"Oct 13 (286) 14 15 (*208)
MARCH 24 25 (84) 26 (*5) 27 8
Ga1-3 Ga1-4 Ga1-5 Ga1-6
no star listed (67) Rohini-4 / Pidnu-sha-Shame-4 (Furrow of Heaven) / ANA-MURI-2 (Rear pillar - at the foot of which was the place for tattooing)

ALDEBARAN = α Tauri (68.2), THEEMIN = υ² Eridani (68.5)

no star listed (69) no star listed (70)
May 27 28 (148) 29 30 (*70)
°May 23 24 (144) 25 (*65) 26
'April 30 'May 1 (121) 2 (*42) 3
16 (471 = 314 * 1½) "April 17 (107) 18 (*28) 19
DAY 67 - 64 = 3 4 5 6
3  Hanga Roa

a tuki tukau

4 Okahu

a uka ui hetuu

5 Ra Tahai

a uo

6 Ahu Akapu

a mata kurakura

Ku hú á te huka-huka, ku herohero á i roto i te ahi, burning wood shows red in the fire.

Oka. 1. Lever, pole; to dig holes in the ground with a sharpened stick, as was done in ancient times to plant vegetables; used generally in the meaning of making plantations. 2. The four sideways poles supporting a hare paega. Okaoka, to jab, to pierce, to prick repeatedly. Vanaga. Digging stick, stake, joist; to prick, to pierce, to stick a thing into, to drive into, to slaughter, to assassinate; kona oka kai, plantation; pahu oka, a drawer. Okaoka, a fork, to prick, to dig. Okahia, to prick. Churchill.

APRIL 5 6 (96) 7
Ga1-15 Ga1-16 Ga1-17

λ Aurigae (79.0), λ Leporis (79.6), ρ Aurigae (79.7)

ARCTURUS (α Bootis)

Shur-narkabti-sha-iltanu-5 (Star in the Bull towards the north)

σ Aurigae (80.4), BELLATRIX (Female Warrior) = γ Orionis, SAIF AL JABBAR (Sword of the Giant) = η Orionis (80.7), ELNATH (The Butting One) = β Tauri = γ Aurigae (80.9)
ψ Orionis (81.1), NIHAL (Thirst-slaking Camels) = β Leporis (81.7)
June 8 9 (160) 10
°June 4 5 (156) 6 (*77)
'May 12 13 14 (*54)
"April 28 29 30 (*40)
DAY 79 - 64 = 15 16 17
15 Ara Koreu

a pari maehaeha

16 Hanga Kuokuo

a vave renga

17 Opata Roa

a mana aia

8 (*18) APRIL 9 (*19) 10 (100)
Ga1-18 Ga1-19 Ga1-20

MINTAKA (Belt) = δ Orionis, υ Orionis (82.4), χ Aurigae (82.5), ε Columbae (82.6)

*41 = *82.4 - *41.4

Al Hak'ah-3 (Brand) / Mrigashīrsha-5 (Stag's Head) / Turtle Head-20 (Monkey) / Mas-tab-ba-tur-tur (Little Twins)

ARNEB = α Leporis, Crab Nebula = M1 Tauri (83.0, φ¹ Orionis (83.1), HEKA = λ Orionis, Orion Nebula = M42 (83.2), φ² Orionis (83.6), ALNILAM (String of Pearls) = ε Orionis (83.7)


Three Stars-21 (Gibbon) / Shur-narkabti-sha-shūtū-6 (Star in the Bull towards the south) / ANA-IVA-9 (Pillar of exit)

HEAVENLY GATE = ζ Tauri, ν Columbae (84.0), ω Orionis (84.2),  ALNITAK (Girdle) = ζ Orionis, PHAKT (Phaet) = α Columbae (84.7)

11 June 12 13 (*84)
7 °June 8 9 (*80)
15 (135) 'May 16 (136) 17
"May 1 (121) "May 2 3 (133)
DAY 82 - 64 = 18 19 20
18 Vai Tara Kai Uo

a ngao roaroa a ngao tokotokoa

19 Hia Uka

a hakairiiri a hakaturuturu

20 Hanga Ohiro

a pakipaki renga

Hia in 19 Hia Uka could have referred to Heka (also named Hika):

... The original Arabic name, Al Hak'ah, a White Spot, was from the added faint light of the smaller φ¹and φ² in the background, and has descended to us as Heka and Hika ...

... λ and the two stars phi furnish an easy refutation of the popular error as to the apparent magnitude of the moon's disc, Colas writing of this in the Celestial Handbook of 1892: In looking at this triangle nobody would think that the moon could be inserted in it; but as the distance from λ to φ¹ is 27', and the distance from φ¹ to φ² is 33', it is a positive fact; the moon's mean apparent diameter being 31' 7''. This illusion, prevalent in all ages, has attracted the attention of many great men; Ptolemy, Roger Bacon, Kepler, and others having treated of it. The lunar disc, seen by the naked eye of an uninstructed observer, appears, as it is frequently expressed 'about the size of a dinner-plate', but should be seen as only equal to a peppercorn ...