![]() ![]() I have only one reference to maahu in my Polynsian word list: Ra'u maahu, ancient expression, literally: to appropriate the steam (maahu) of the food just taken out of an earth oven. It refers to intruders coming to help themselves uninvited. Warriors off to a battle used to be told: E ra'u maahu no koe, o pagaha'a! meaning: 'Eat little, lest you be heavy (and lose your agility).' Vanaga. The first one (1) in the line of star kings (ariki motogi) was Oto Uta and he had 5 (erima) masters (maori). Erima maori o te ariki. o oto uta. Maori. Wise teacher; tagata maori rogorogo, person who can recite the signs of the tablets; maori hare, house builder; maori îka, healer expert in treating fight injuries. Name of the country of origin of Hotu Matu'a which he fled with his people following a cataclysm in a land called Hiva. Vanaga. a. Of manual training: dexterity, handy, industry, artisan. b. Of mental training: erudite, finesse, cleverness, adroit, ingenious, intelligent, lucid, sage, sense, science, talent. c. The resultant: memorable, renowned, of good reputation. Tagata maori, carpenter; rima maori, left hand, tae maori, incompetent; maori ke, judicious, sly; maori ke avai, adroit. T Pau.: maori, maohi, indigenous, sure, safe, perfect. Mgv.; maori, belonging to the country, native of the Polynesian race, right hand. Mq.: maoi, native, natural, common, ordinary. Ta.: maori, maóhi, proper name of the indigenous people of Polynesia, native, good, perfect. Churchill.
The names in Manuscript E are designed to carry meaning (or rather meanings). Obviously, for instance, we can imagine a progression in time from 'sleeping in Hiva' (ko moe hiva) to the red colour of awakening at dawn (ko henga). Moe. To sleep, to lie at full length, to dream, to brood, to place, to cohabit; moe atu, to leave off, to desist; moe atu ra, to adjourn, to postpone; moe hakahepo, to talk in the deep; moe aherepo, somnambulist, sleepwalker; moe hakataha, to sleep on the side; moe no, to oversleep, concubinage; moe tahae, to be a light sleeper; moe tahaga, a sleeper; moe vaeahatu, moe hakaroa, to sleep sprawling; rava moe, to sleep sound; ariga moe ki raro, to lie flat on the ground; tae moe, bachelor; hakamoe, to brood, to fold the wings; to reserve, to lay up; to struggle. P Pau.: moe, sleep. Mgv.: moe, sleep, to lie down, coitus, to shut the eyes. Mq.: moe, to sleep, to lie down; haámoe, to set down on the ground. Ta.: moe, to sleep, to lie down. Moea raruga, lying flat. Moeaivi, thin. Mq.: ivi, haáivi, id. Ta.: ivi, id. Moega, mat. Pau.: moehega, bed. Mgv.: moega, a sleeping mat. Mq.: moena, moeka, mat, floor cloth, bed. Ta.: moea, bed. Moemata, to sleep with the eyes open; mea moemata, phantom. Moemoea, a dream, vision; tikeahaga moemoea, apparition by night. T Mgv., Mq., Ta.: moemoea, dream. Churchill. Mgv. Moemoe, to steal, to purloin at a food distribution. Mq.: moemoe, to seize, to grasp. Churchill.Ta.: 1. Moemoe, ambush. Ha.: moemoe, id. 2. Moemoe, Phyllanthus simplex. To.: mohemohe, a tree. Churchill. Mq.: Moehu, exiled, banished, prisoner of war. Ma.: morehu, a survivor. Churchill. Hega. Hegahega, reddish, ruddy. Hehega, to dawn; ki hehega mai te raá, when the sun rises. Vanaga. Hehegaraa, sunrise. PS Sa.: sesega, to be dazzled as by the sun. Fu.: sega, the beginning of daybreak. Niuē: hegahega, the red light or rays at sunset. Viti: sesē, to dawn. Churchill.