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14 and 15

Frame of Reference: 14 is half the number of nights when the moon is visible. 15 is the equivalent as regards solar months.

The Matariki calendar: 14 = 'b' (7 glyphs) + 'c' (7 glyphs), while 'a' has 15 glyphs, 'open' in three of the periods (1, 4 and 6), in triplicate in one of the periods (5) and 'hidden' in the remaining two periods (2 and  3) seen together.

59 and 45

Frame of Reference: 59 is the number of nights in a 'true' lunar double-month, i.e. one which includes also the nights when the moon is invisible. 45 is the number of days in one 8th of the 'regular' solar year (i.e. 360 days).

The Matariki calendar: 59 = 45 + 14 = '5a + (5b + 5c)'. 45 = '5a1 + 5a2 + 5a3 + 5a4 + 5a5 + 5a6' = 8 + 5 + 13 + 6 + 8 + 5 = 26 + 14 + 5 = '5a1 + 5a2 + 5a3' + '5a4+ 5a5' + '5a6'.

26 and 5

Frame of Reference: 26 is the number of double-weeks in a 'weekly' year, i.e. 364 nights. Weeks are congruent with 14 (= 2 * 7) and with the (visible) moon 28 (= 4 * 7). (Planets are observed in the night.) 5 is the difference between the 'true' solar year and the 'regular' one.

The Matariki calendar: 26 = 13 + 13 = '5a1 + 5a2' + '5a5 + 5a6'. 5 = '5a2' = '5a6'.

4 and 72

Frame of Reference: 4 is the difference between a 'weekly' year and a 'regular' year. 72 is the number of days in a double 'regular' year (after final zero has been eliminated). 72 is also the number between 'twin-days': When 365 / 5 = 73 days of the 'true' solar year has passed, then the calendar (over the 'regular' year) needs a correction because 360 / 5 = 72, which means that each day-number in the calendar divisible by 72 (72 ,144, 216, 288, 360) will be repeated, 'lived twice'.

The Matariki calendar: 4 = '2a' + '3a' - 15 = 11 + 8 - 15. 72 = '2a + 2b + 2c' + '3a + 3b + 3c' + '4a + 4b + 4c' - 4 = 25 + 22 + 29 - 4.