1. Without the positions of the stars, based first of all on Antares and Aldebaran but also - and maybe better - on the assumed position of Rigel (derived from its distances to Antares and Aldebaran) we would be in a hopeless mess of numbers and other signs - it would be practically impossible to understand the G text.

Ga1-3 (4) Ga1-4 Ga1-5 (*70)
Aldebaran (69.2)
Ga1-12 Ga1-13 Ga1-14 (*79) Ga7-16 (*250)
Rigel (79.1) Antares (250.1)

From Rigel to Antares there are 250.1 - 79.1 = 171 days, 10 less than from Aldebaran to Antares. Considering the position of Aldebaran at the end (muri) we should perhaps rather begin a list of stars with Rigel, where a birth (hanau) evidently is taking place:

Ga1-12 (13) Ga1-13 Ga1-14 (*79)
Rigel (79.1)
12 36
Ga1-27 (*92) Ga1-28
winter solstice
Ga3-6 (*130) Ga3-7 Ga3-8 (68) Ga4-5 (**61) Ga4-6 (*154) Ga4-7 (91)
Praesaepe (131.4) Regulus (153.7)
manu rere hau tea
Ga4-17 Ga4-18 (102) Ga4-19
Alkes (166.6)

Beyond the Crater constellation Sun is below the equator of the sky dome and it would not be surprising if instead Moon should be the focus of interest.

We ought to prepare ourselves for the lunar mansions, where Moon has her successive lodgings among the stars. Already we have encountered e.g. Bharani (cfr at The Sacred Jawbone) in the Musca constellation:

Gb8-7 Gb8-8 (450)
 Head of the Fly (448.6)  Right Wing (449.9), Bharani (450.4)

We also remember the Lord of Created Beings (see at Auriga):

Ga1-22 Ga1-23 (*88) Ga1-24 Ga1-25 Ga1-26 (*91)
Betelgeuze (89.3) Praja-pāti (90.3)

... δ, 4.1, yellow, is on the head of the Charioteer. It is unnamed with us, but, inconspicuous as it is, the Hindus called it Praja-pāti, the Lord of Created Beings, a title also and far more appropriately given to Orion and to Corvus ...

This seems to be the right time to establish the beginning of a more systematic approach to the stations on the path of Moon.