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4. The 6th station Te Pei evidently indicates the end of the first half-cycle on the way to Tama:


te pu mahore a hau maka o hiva


te poko uri a hau maka i hiva


te manavai a hau maka o hiva


te kioe uri a hau maka o hiva


te piringa aniva a hau maka o hiva


te pei a hau maka o hiva


te pou a hau maka o hiva


hua reva a hau maka o hiva


akahanga a hau maka o hiva


hatinga te kohe a hau maka o hiva


roto iri are a hau maka o hiva


tama he ika kino he ihu roroa

This probably explains its importance and why it was mentioned explicitly by Hau Maka:

Ms. E, p. 12-13

Barthel's translation in his The Eighth Land

... he oho tooku kuhane i ka mana atu tooku kuhane ko te kainga ehitu ... My dream soul moved on, and, through the power of her mana, my dream soul reached seven lands,
i roto i te nehunehu kapuapua.  which were lying in the midst of a dim twilight.
hee rarama tooku kuhane kainga tae ripou My dream soul looked around searchingly, but these lands were not very good at all.
ko roto ko te nehunehu kapuapua. ko te pei te nohonga In the midst of dim twilight there is Te Pei, the residence.
evaru kaukau eko ravaa i te pei ana ka ngaro ro era etahi mo ravaa he vau kainga i runga e tau e revareva ro ta i roto i te raa. Not even eight groups of people (i.e., countless boat crews) can find the small piece (of land?) again once it has been lost. But one can take possession of the eighth land: (It lies) 'on high', (it) juts out (on the horizon), and its contours stand out against the (rising) sun (i.e., in the east) ...

The 'dim twilight' (nehunehu kapuapua) evidently refers to how at the border between the end of the first half-cycle and the beginning of the second there should be '2 lights'.

But 'the twilight zone' ought to be associated with number 8, the perfect number, not with 6. Presumably the explanation is that 6 refers to the length of the path of Sun while 8 'belongs' to Moon. She moves in a longer cycle than Sun, and Sun's full measure 12 months in a way corresponds to Moon's full measure 16 months. Half 12 is 6 and half 16 is 8.