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5. In order to reach 8 we must add 2 lunar months to those 6 at Te Pei (the 'residence' of Hau Maka) and these should probably be located earlier. 2 months at the end of side b in the G text are added in order to increase 8 months (236 days) to 10 months (300 days):

side b side a side b
63 230 5
Gb6-26 (409) Gb1-6 Gb1-7 (237)
64 6
300 days

The last of Sun's 10 * 30 = 300 days is represented by Gb1-6, the 6th glyph on side b. We can imagine 1-6 as shorthand for 'the person with a single face, Sun, has reached his end', and compare this with how at the 16th station of the person with two faces, Moon, her cycle is completed.

The pace of Sun is not the same as the pace of Moon, there is a difference of half a day between 30 and 29.5 (the lunar synodic month). Therefore tamaiti comes 10 * ½ = 5 glyphs (days) later than Rogo in Gb6-26 (otherwise Sun and Moon would not be able to 'join forces' in the 'twilight zone' at Te Pei):

side b side a side b
58 230 5
Gb7-3 (414) Gb1-6 Gb1-7 (237)
9 6
295 nights

Similarly, we can e.g. 2 months after winter solstice count and expect Sun to arrive 8 * ½ = 4 glyphs (days) earlier than Moon. However, the text of G is more complex than so and it is presumably more relevant to instead count 8 * 30 = 240 in order to find the end of Sun at Gb1-10 where we can see that 'his head has been swallowed':

side a side b
58 169 5
Ga2-28 Ga2-29 Ga3-1 (61) Gb1-6
60 176
Gb1-7 Gb1-8 Gb1-9 Gb1-10 (240)

From manu kake in Ga3-1 up to and including Gb1-10 there are 240 - 60 = 180 days, which is half 360. The glyph type manu kake ought to be located in the first day of a new season:

60 178 119
Ga3-1 (61) Gb1-10 (240) Gb5-6 (360)
180 = 6 * 30 120 = 4 * 30
300 = 10 * 30

If we count from tamaiti and 4 months ahead we will arrive at Ga2-28, and Sun should arrive 6 * ½ = 3 glyphs (days) earlier, at Saturn in Ga2-25:

side a side b
55 169 5
Ga2-25 Ga2-26 Ga2-27 Ga2-28 (59) Ga2-29 Gb1-6
56 = 7 * 8 3 177 = 6 * 29.5
180 = 6 * 30

It is still not spring, because the kai fingers in Ga2-25--26 are reversed. Therefore we can assume that spring arrives with manu kake ('the climbing bird') in Ga3-1.