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1. Below I have inserted the number of nights defined by the accumulated 'cherries' in the steadily growing 'tree':
'front side' (Sun)   'back side' (Moon)
Eb7-7 (196) Eb7-8 Eb7-15 Eb7-16
Eb7-5 (126) Eb7-6 Eb7-13 Eb7-14
Eb7-3 (56) Eb7-4 Eb7-11 Eb7-12
Eb7-1 Eb7-2 Eb7-9 (294) Eb7-10

Time does not count until Eb7-3, and I have therefore blackmarked Eb7-2, in which we can now read 7 * 2 = 14 as a numerical help for understanding the value of a 'cherry'.

Hipu is a word which can refer to a coconut shell, at least so on the Marquesas:

Hipu. Calabash, shell, cup, jug, goblet, pot, plate, vase, bowl, any such receptacle; hipu hiva, melon, bottle; hipu takatore, vessel; hipu unuvai, drinking glass. P Mgv.: ipu, calabash, gourd for carrying liquids. Mq.: ipu, all sorts of small vases, shell, bowl, receptacle, coconut shell. Ta.: ipu, calabash, cup, receptacle.

If there is an interregnum at niu in Eb7-10, then there should presumably be one such also at hipu in Eb7-2, because between them time is counted:

Eb7-2 Eb7-3 Eb7-4 Eb7-5 Eb7-6 Eb7-7 Eb7-8 Eb7-9 Eb7-10
56 70 70 98

The 'season of the growing coconut palm' is maybe initiated by 'the death of an interrex' at hipu in Eb7-2 and 295 nights later comes haga niu (so to say), when the 'tree' is fully grown.

'Breaking the coconut' (at winter solstice on Hawaii) could mean the breaking through of a new shoot from the old nut: