3. The 'tearline' sign was used also in the headgear of
Pharaoh. It was composed to show how he integrated Upper and
Lower Egypt, and in the symbol for Lower Egypt we can see
the 'tearline' (here oriented rising):
The central role is taken by the scarab (Sun)
rising above his 'door' in the east. At left (= in the
north) is the goddess of Lower Egypt and in the south
(right) is the goddess of Upper Egypt (appropriately
illustrated by a high crown). The crown of Pharaoh had
elements from the crowns of both these goddesses.
The 'tearline' indicates 'low'. The 'Weeping God' is located
low, beyond the high position at the end of his 'front side'
(corresponding to Upper Egypt, the high land).
When Spring Sun has left, we must search low in order to
find his successor.