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4. The idea of Sun making a sudden plunge from a high point down into a 'land of water' (where of course he must die immediately) is deeply embedded in the mind of man:

"... needfire ceremonies usually take place near the summer solstice (the Feast of St. John) ... but they occur in several other seasons as well. The summer date of the rite and its accompanying festival have to do, among other things, with fertility, as can can clearly be seen in a variant from the valley of the Moselle preserved for us by Jakob Grimm.

Each household in the village was constrained to contribute a shock of straw to the nearby high place, Stromberg, where the males went at evening while the females went to a spring lower down on the slope. A huge wheel was wrapped with this straw. An axle run through the wheel served as the handles for those who were to guide it on its downward plunge.

The mayor of a nearby town kindled the straw, for which office he was rewarded with a basketful of cherries. All the men kindled torches and some followed the burning orb as it was released downhill to shouts of joy. The women at the spring echoed these shouts as the wheel rushed by them. Often the fire went out of its own accord before it reached the river, but should the waters of the river extinguish it, an abundant vintage was forecast for that year ..." (Thomas D. Worthen, The Myth of Replacement. Stars, Gods, and Order in the Universe.)

The great 'plunge' coincides with turning from the 'front side' to the 'back side':

'front side' ('land')   'back side' ('water')
Eb7-7 Eb7-8 Eb7-15 Eb7-16
Eb7-5 Eb7-6 Eb7-13 Eb7-14
Eb7-3 Eb7-4 Eb7-11 Eb7-12
Eb7-1 Eb7-2 Eb7-9 Eb7-10

The 'tree' in Eb7-9 is depicted in a low position. The overall similarity with the triplet of 'trees' on the 'front side' makes it into a sign of continuity - Spring Sun has tumbled down to the 'land of shadows', he has 'plunged into water'. Time begins anew from Eb7-9.

We can count (4 + 5 + 5) + 7 = 21. This is as close as you can get if you count each 'cherry' as a fortnight and wish to reach 10 * 29½ = 295 = 21 * 14 + 1. The added 1 represents 'one more', i.e. it is a sign that the 'wheel of life' is not coming to a standstill.