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1. My deduced date for the 1st glyph on side b is 'June 1:

34 206 44
Gb1-1 (231) Gb2-10 (266) 250 Ga2-14 (45)
'June 1 (152) 34 'July 6 (187) 177 187 'July 7 (188)

And the manzil Qalb al Akraab (ruled by Antares) ends 231 days from the beginning of the manzil Sheratan:

Nawaa Manzil Begins on Number of days Stars
Murabaania Akleel 12 Dec (346) 13 222 Corona Borealis
Qalb al Akraab 25 Dec (359) 9 231 Antares
Shaula 3 Jan (368) 13 244 Shaula
Ash Shabt Al Naam 16 Jan (381) 13 257 Ascella and Nunki
Al Baldaah 29 Jan (394) 13 270  

Akraab surely means the Scorpion and according to Allen "Antares alone constituted the 16th manzil, Al Kalb, the Heart, one of the fortunate stations ..."

From 'June 1 to 'January 3 there are 368 - 152 = 216 days. Counting from the end of side b and backwards 216 steps will lead us to the pair Gb1-26 and Gb2-1:

Gb1-21 Gb1-22 Gb1-23 Gb1-24
Gb1-25 Gb1-26 (256) Gb2-1 Gb2-2

Judged from the numbers of the manzil system we could at Gb2-1 have reached to the end of Al Naam, to the end of Land.

On Easter Island the heliacal rising of Antares ought to have been a sign of summer ahead. My suggested date 'June 1 at Gb1-1 could therefore possibly be interpreted as the day which south of the corresponds to the beginning of summer north of the equator (June 1). Although the correspondences in the manzil system suggests 'June 1 could correspond to January 2.

According to Manuscript E the explorers sailed from their old home (Hiva) in April 25 and reached Easter Island in June 1. In the following table I have copied Barthel's data  from his The Eighth Land:

April 25 (115) Departure from Hiva
June 1 (152) Arrival at Hanga Te Pau
June 10 (161) Construction of house and yam plantation
June 15 (166) Makoi surveys the crater
July 5 (186) Departure from the house
July 10 (191) Arrival at Te Pou and rest at Hanga Takaure
July 18 (199) Departure from Hanga Takaure and rest at Hanga Hoonu
July 23 (204) Arrival at Rangi Meamea
August 20 (232) Departure for Papa O Pea
August 26 (238) Departure for Ahu Akapu
August 29 (241) Departure for Pu Pakakina
September 1 (244) Departure for yam plantation
October 15 (288) Explorers greet Hotu Matua
October 25 (298) Departure for Hiva

Barthel has mechanically translated the month Maro with June, the month Anakena with July, etc.

If there is a correspondence between glyphs and dates, then we ought to be able to find the departure from Hiva at a place around 37 (= 152 - 115) positions earlier than Gb1-1.

231 - 37 = 194:

Ga7-15 Ga7-16 Ga7-17
Ga7-18 Ga7-19 Ga7-20 Ga7-21
Ga7-22 Ga7-23 Ga7-24 (194)

In Ga7-24 we can imagine 'a good Land' (maitaki) at left with a kind of 'fruit' in front (presumably the promise of a new such land).