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3. The root of the Moon cycle is mama in Hb9-38:


Counting 93 * 8 = 744 can possibly be understood as a way to express 24 * 31, or 'midnight' (24) for Sun. 31 is similarly a number which could be used to indicate the end of the month.

The alternative 9 * 38 = 18 * 19 is simpler, and hardly the expert's way to count. 744 - 300 = 444. Number 4 is what characterizes the back side.

Pachamama ('Mother Earth') is a wonderful statue in Bolivia, and Posnansky has saved the complex patterns incised all over her. For instance is the back side of her head adorned by 2 * 7 = 14 tresses:

The 'chevron marks' are oriented upwards instead of downwards as in Hb9-38, but the sign is the same.

I have painstakingly counted all these chevron marks and the result is 400. Try it for yourself:

counting the tresses from right to left:
1 27 8 29
2 26 9 30.5
3 26.5 10 31
4 26.5 11 34
5 26.5 12 31
6 27 13 30
7 26 14 29
sum 185.5 sum 214.5
total = 400

The meaning seems to be to refer to 400 as the number of nights needed at the back side in order to balance the 300 days of the front side:

back side (400)
1 Odin 2 Jupiter 3 Venus 4 Saturn
front side (300)
5 Sun 6 Moon 7 Mars