3. The root of the Moon cycle is mama in Hb9-38:
Counting 93 * 8 = 744 can possibly be understood as a way to express 24 * 31, or 'midnight' (24) for Sun. 31 is similarly a number which could be used to indicate the end of the month. The alternative 9 * 38 = 18 * 19 is simpler, and hardly the expert's way to count. 744 - 300 = 444. Number 4 is what characterizes the back side. Pachamama ('Mother Earth') is a wonderful statue in Bolivia, and Posnansky has saved the complex patterns incised all over her. For instance is the back side of her head adorned by 2 * 7 = 14 tresses: The 'chevron marks' are oriented upwards instead of downwards as in Hb9-38, but the sign is the same. I have painstakingly counted all these chevron marks and the result is 400. Try it for yourself:
The meaning seems to be to refer to 400 as the number of nights needed at the back side in order to balance the 300 days of the front side: