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4. Let us take a closer look:

At right bottom, below the net, there is a kind of beam down to a person carrying the head gear of Upper Egypt (from where the river of time, the Nile, is flowing). The scroll of Lower Egypt emerges from the center of the Upper Egypt headgear. The man at bottom right should be Pharaoh.

His gesture resembles the gesture of ka, which in ancient times meant the male power of rejuvenating Mother Nature, and which in translation usually is interpreted as 'spirit'. In Polynesian it becomes manu rere, the 'quickly moving bird'.

If 2 stars are connected to string games, then it is quite possible those 2 stars are depicted outside the top right corner of the net above. And in our prime example text they seem to have their place in Eb7-13:

Eb7-11 Eb7-12 Eb7-13 Eb7-14 Eb7-15

Maybe the prow of the 'solar spring canoe' divides the net of night as when Marduk divided the night monster Tiamat in halves.

The 2 starry balls are depicted at the first corner beyond midnight, i.e. where spring equinox will give birth to Sun. At next corner there is a sign looking like the blades of a pair of scissors, and in it we can possibly recognize Y. At midsummer the head of Spring Sun has to be cut off or it will become quite too hot and dry.

Thus do I interpret the picture, but I am far from certain. Furthermore, there are very many signs in it which can be related to rongorongo equivalents - the basic sign language is the same. We must return to it later.