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1. Consider this peculiar running figure:

It is the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. His trousers are drawn with the squares of a chessboard, a sign to make us understand this part of him is related to 'down to earth' matters. Another picture (in Through the Looking-Glass) makes it very clear, the squares of the chessboard represent the fields of the earth:

Ogotemmêli shared this view and saw deeper:

"Above the door of the temple is depicted a chequer-board of white squares alternating with squares the colour of the mud wall. There should strictly be eight rows, one for each ancestor.  

This chequer-board is pre-eminently the symbol of the 'things of this world' and especially of the structure and basic objects of human organization. It symbolizes: the pall which covers the dead, with its eight strips of black and white squares representing the multiplication of the eight of human families; the façade of the large house with its eighty niches, home of the ancestors; the cultivated fields, patterned like the pall; the villages with streets like seams, and more generally all regions inhabited, cleared or exploited by men. The chequer-board and the covering both portray the eight ancestors."

The alternation between light and dark is something in common between Earth and Moon, they could be sisters. 64 squares do not represent 64 cycles of time but only 32.