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3. Thus a 364-day long year seems to be described by the 7 first glyphs (the first 'week') in line Eb7:

4 * 26 = 104
Eb7-1 Eb7-2 Eb7-3 Eb7-4
10 * 26 = 260
Eb7-5 Eb7-6 Eb7-7

Metoro said te vai okahega at Eb7-4. Hega refers to the reddish colour of sunrise:


Hegahega, reddish, ruddy. Hehega, to dawn; ki hehega mai te raá, when the sun rises.

Hehegaraa, sunrise. PS Sa.: sesega, to be dazzled as by the sun. Fu.: sega, the beginning of daybreak. Niuē: hegahega, the red light or rays at sunset. Viti: sesē, to dawn.

Oka is a digging stick with a pointed end:


1. Lever, pole; to dig holes in the ground with a sharpened stick, as was done in ancient times to plant vegetables; used generally in the meaning of making plantations. 2. The four sideways poles supporting a hare paega. Okaoka, to jab, to pierce, to prick repeatedly.

Digging stick, stake, joist; to prick, to pierce, to stick a thing into, to drive into, to slaughter, to assassinate; kona oka kai, plantation; pahu oka, a drawer. Okaoka, a fork, to prick, to dig. Okahia, to prick.

When Saturn generates a new Spring Sun he possibly is using an instrument similar to the pointed prow of the Sun ship, an instrument which will pierce the dark cloth of night: