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1. My arguments have lead us to the conclusion that the following 16 glyphs possibly do not describe more than the first half of the solar year, from 'December' to 'July' (= 16 / 2 = 8 months):

Eb7-1 Eb7-2 Eb7-3 Eb7-4 Eb7-5 Eb7-6 Eb7-7 Eb7-8
'December' 'January' 'February' 'March'
Eb7-9 Eb7-10 Eb7-11 Eb7-12 Eb7-13 Eb7-14 Eb7-15 Eb7-16
'April' 'May' 'June' 'July'

After the 'break' between glyph number 16 and 17 the rest of the year should follow:

Eb7-17 Eb7-18 Eb7-19 Eb7-20 Eb7-21 Eb7-22
Eb7-23 Eb7-24 Eb7-25 Eb7-26 Eb7-27 Eb7-28
Eb7-29 Eb7-30 Eb7-31 Eb7-32
Eb7-33 Eb7-34 Eb7-35

I have here redmarked 7 glyphs which belong to the glyph type takaure ('horse fly'):
