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1. The 2nd glyph among our 16 is of a type which I have labelled hipu (bottle gourd), following the hints of Metoro when he read the rongorongo texts for Bishop Jaussen:


Out on the sea one of the most vital commodities is sweet water to drink. To carry water onboard dried calabashes was one alternative, another was to use thick bamboo stems:

"... Within a few days the canoe was loaded with provisions. Great fish baskets were made of bamboo, filled with many kinds of fish, and attached to the outside of the canoe so as to be in the water. Bamboos and gourds were filled with water and stowed away on board, and there were fe'i, bananas, taro, and mahi (fermented breadfruit) in abundance. A bed of sand and stones was made upon the deck, upon which to make a fire for cooking the food, and soon Hiro was ready to go to sea ..." (Teuira Henry, Ancient Tahiti)