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6. One of the major signs in the rongorongo texts is number. You are expected to count, and I believe the reason is that the texts were created in order to put down in writing the complex calendar systems necessary to keep track of time when travelling far out on the deep ocean.

Eb7-2 Eb7-3 Eb7-4 Eb7-5 Eb7-6 Eb7-7 Eb7-8
- 4 - 5 - 5 -

The sum of the 'bulbs' up in the 'trees' is 4 + 5 + 5 = 14. This number hardly stands for a fortnight meaning 14 nights, instead it probably refers to a longer period of time. I believe each 'bulb' could represent 26 days:

Eb7-3 Eb7-4 Eb7-5 Eb7-6 Eb7-7
4 - 5 - 5
4 * 26 = 104 5 * 26 = 130 5 * 26 = 130

The sum will then be 104 + 130 + 130 = 364.