10. The Maize God returned each year through a crack in the shell of the turtle in Orion. Once more Maya Cosmos: In the Popol Vuh, First Father was killed in Xibalba, the Maya Otherworld, by the Lords of Death. They then buried his body in a ballcourt. His twin sons went to Xibalba, defeated his killers, and brought him back to life. Classic-period artists depicted First Father being reborn through the cracked carapace of a turtle shell, often flanked by his two sons. As I understand it 'fire' was regenerated on the shell of the turtle in Orion. The crack in its carapace is the result of fire ignited on its shell. The ancient Chinese used firecracked turtle shells for divination. They used to drill holes in turtle shells and then place them in the fire to see what cracks developed:
(Cecilia Lindqvist, Tecknens Rike.) We must be aware of the possibility of a crack in time (like in the turtle carapace), and it ought to be at a solstice. In the Dendera round zodiac there is a crack in the blue series far north:
On Easter Island it could be located at Maunga Parehe:
Possibly the 4 kuhane stations beyond 20 Hanga Hoonu, from 21 Rangi Meamea up to and including the cave of Kuukuu at 24 Oromanga correspond to such a crack: