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With line Cb6 arrives what possibly is another complex calendar, with 8 groups of glyphs the first 3 of which follow below.

All these 8 'periods' have a moko at the end. My divisions of the periods into sections are motivated only by insufficient room to list all the glyphs of a period in a single row, not by any perception of intended such divisions:

Cb6-1 (508) Cb6-2 Cb6-3 Cb6-4
August 10 11 12 13 (226)
Murzim 7 8 9 10
Cb6-5 Cb6-6 Cb6-7 Cb6-8 Cb6-9 Cb6-10 Cb6-11
August 14 15 16 17 (230) 18 19 20
Murzim 11 12 13 (92) An Nathra 1 2 3 4
Cb6-12 Cb6-13 (520) Cb6-14
August 21 22 (600) 23 (236)
An Nathra 5 6 7
Cb6-15 Cb6-16 Cb6-17 Cb6-18
August 24 25 26 27 (240)
An Nathra 8 (100) 9 10 11
Cb6-19 Cb6-20 Cb6-21
August 28 29 30
An Nathra 12 13 (105) Alterf 1
Cb6-22 Cb6-23 Cb6-24 (531) Cb6-25 Cb6-26
August 31 September 1 2 3 4 (248)
Alterf 2 3 4 5 6 (111)

Cb6-24 is glyph 531 (= 18 * 29½), and 62 * 4 = 248 = September 5 in an ordinary year. In a leap year it is September 4, and in Cb6-26 we can count 62 * 6 = 372. From vero in Ca14-9 - possibly referring to Benetnash (the Leader of the Daughters of the Bier) - to moko in Cb6-26 there are 161 glyphs (days). 161 - 80 = 81. 8 * 10 + 9 * 9 = 161 = 23 weeks.

*Ca14-9 (372) Cb6-26 (533)
March 27 (452) 160 September 4 (248)
Benetnash (208.5) 79.9 Nunki (288.4)

With Benetnash as the nakshatra star of Polaris then Nunki (σ Sagittarii) could be nakshatra star of some star rising 81 days later than Benetnash. But the distance from vero in Ca14-9 to moko in Cb6-26 is 161 days, about twice as long. Nunki was in rongorongo time rising heliacally close to 19h. 19h + 12h - 24h = 7h and Nunki is therefore the nakshatra star of Wezen.

Heliacal stars RA distances Nakshatra stars
Polaris (26.6) 181.9 Benetnash (208.5)
Aldebaran (68.2) 180.9 Antares (249.1)
Wezen (107.1) 181.3 Nunki (288.4)

The broad rump of moko in Cb6-26 could indicate a bright star. In G we can see its time coincides with the heliacal rising of Dubhe (α Ursae Majoris, at the spine of the Great Bear - or at the beginning of the Bier):

Ga4-16 (100) Ga4-17 (*164) Ga4-18 Ga4-19
ν Hydrae (163.1)     Alkes (165.6), Merak (166.2)
August 31 September 1 2 3
Alterf 2 3 (108) 4 5
Ga4-20 (104) Ga4-21 (*168)
Dubhe (166.7)  
11h (167.4) September 5 (248)
Alterf 6 (111) 7

11h + 12h = 23h. This is the time of α and β Pegasi, where the Pegasus-Square is beginning:


Heliacal stars RA distances Nakshatra stars
Polaris (26.6) 181.9 Benetnash (208.5)
Aldebaran (68.2) 180.9 Antares (249.1)
Wezen (107.1) 181.3 Nunki (288.4)
Dubhe (166.7) 182.8 Markab Pegasi (349.5)

However, the distance is somewhat too long compared to the other examples. A better fit is Fomalhaut (α Piscis Austrini), which southern position is in harmony with the low rump of moko:

Heliacal stars RA distances Nakshatra stars
Polaris (26.6) 181.9 Benetnash (208.5)
Aldebaran (68.2) 180.9 Antares (249.1)
Wezen (107.1) 181.3 Nunki (288.4)
Dubhe (166.7) 182.8 Markab Pegasi (349.5)
Dubhe (166.7) 181.1 Fomalhaut (347.8)

The signs in the sky are evidently upside down this time of the year.

From the reversed great marama in Cb2-6 up to and including that in Cb6-4 there are 90 days::

29 29 28
Cb2-6 (422) Cb3-11 Cb4-19 Cb6-4 Cb6-5 Cb6-6
May 16 (137) 29 June 15 29 July 15 28 August 13 14 15
Alrescha 15 (365) Albatain 3 Heka 7 10 11 Murzim 12
60 days 30 days

There are 29 glyphs in line Cb6, but I guess the last 3 belong in the 4th period, see next page: