When St Lucia brings
lights (plural) in
her hair it could
mean the season of
Sun is over and
instead the smaller
stars of the night
(winter) will take
over. She could be the
opposite of St
George who by
personifying the
strong spring sun
killing the winter
The distance between
them ought to be of
Al Muakhar 5 |
6 |
7 (344) |
247 |
St George's Day |
April 24 |
25 (115) |
Ca2-7 (33) |
Ca2-8 |
Ca2-9 |
manu rere |
e tara tua |
tagata oho |
no star listed |
Neck (214.8) |
no star listed |
Mira (33.7) |
Az Zubana 11 |
12 (208) |
13 |
Akleel 1 |
2 |
December 9 |
10 |
11 |
12 (346) |
St Lucia |
Ca10-8 |
Ca10-9 |
Ca10-10 (265) |
Ca10-11 |
Ca10-12 |
te moko |
te marama |
te kava |
manu rere |
te mauga tuu toga |
ρ Herculis (262.9) |
σ Ophiuchi (263.6) |
Lesath (264.7), Alwaid, Maasym (265.1), Shaula (265.3) |
Kuma (265.6), Ras Alhague (266.1), Sargas (266.3), μ Ophiuchi (266.5) |
Nan Hae (266.6), ι Herculis (266.7) |
June 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 (165) |
Pleione 11 |
12 |
13 |
Albatain 1 |
2 (29) |
Bellatrix, Saif al Jabbar (80.7), Elnath (80.9) |
Nihal (81.7), Mintaka (82.4) |
ε Columbae (82.6), Arneb (83.0), Heka (83.2), Hatysa (83.5) |
Alnilam (83.7), Heavenly Gate (84.0) |
Alnitak, Phakt (Phaet), (84.7) |
From April 23 (113) to December 13 (347) there are 234 days. In G glyph 234 could represent January 12:
Gb1-1 (231) |
Gb1-2 |
Gb1-3 (*296) |
Deneb Okab (294.0) |
Albireo (295.5) |
no star listed |
January 9 (374) |
10 |
11 |
Shaula 7 |
8 |
9 (240) |
Gb1-4 (234) |
Gb1-5 |
Gb1-6 |
Gb1-7 (*300) |
Gb1-8 |
Sham (297.8) |
Tarazed (299.3) |
Altair (300.3) |
no star listed |
January 12 (377) |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Shaula 13 |
Al Naam 1 |
January 12 is day 377 (= 13 * 29).
The great 'eye hole' below in Gb1-3 maybe should be contrasted with the litte eye hole high up in Ca10-11
Perhaps counting from St Lucia to St George is more natural:
St Lucia (347) |
19 |
80 |
32 |
St George (113) |
59 |
St John (173) |
32 |
St James (206) |
140 |
99 |
126 |
366 |
Probably St Lucia represents the greatest light in the night sky, i.e. Venus.
8 days from December 13 to December 21 could then correspond to the 8 dark nights before Venus reappears as Morning Star.
50 dark nights before reappearing as Evening Star can be combined with the 8 dark nights before reappearing as Morning Star into 58 = 2 * 29 nights. 584 = 8 + 263 + 50 + 263 = 4 + 20 * 29.
To avoid odd numbers: 263 - 3 = 260 and 263 - 1 = 262. 8 + 50 + 260 + 262 = 580 = 2 * 29 + 18 * 29.
347 + 8 + 264 - 365 = 254 (September 11):
Alterf |
5 |
6 |
7 (112) |
8 |
September 2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 (249) |
Ca6-25 |
Ca6-26 |
Ca6-27 |
Ca6-28 (168) |
Ca7-1 |
tagata marama |
koia ra |
marama |
kua Rei te vae |
Alkes (165.6), Merak (166.2) |
11h (167.4) |
no star listed |
Al Sharas (168.6), Zosma (169.2), Coxa (169.4) |
Dubhe (166.7) |
March 4 |
5 |
6 |
7 (66) |
8 |
Alterf 9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 (118) |
Dschuba 1 |
September 7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 (255) |
Ca7-2 |
Ca7-3 |
Ca7-4 |
Ca7-5 |
Ca7-6 |
Ca7-7 (175) |
Kokore tahi |
Kokore rua |
Kokore toru |
Kokore ha |
Kokore rima |
Kokore ono |
o te marama eono |
Alula (170.5) |
Labrum (170.6) |
λ Crateris (171.6), ε Crateris (171.9), γ Crateris, π Centauri (172.0), κ Crateris (172.5) |
no star listed |
ο¹ Centauri (173.8), ξ Hydrae (174.3) |
ο² Centauri, λ Centauri (174.8), θ Crateris (175.0), ω Virginis (175.3), ι Crateris (175.5) |
March 9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 (72) |
14 |
Saad Balaa 12 |
13 |
Saad Al Saud 1 |
2 (300) |
3 |
4 |
χ Aquarii (352.6) |
Kerb (353.6) |
no stars listed |
ι Phoenicis (357.3) |
Alrai, θ Phoenicis (358.4) |