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However, our primary goal at present is not stars but the words of Metoro.

Saad Al Akhbia 6 7 8 (319)
March 29 30 31 (90)
Ca1-8 Ca1-9 Ca1-10
te honu te manu te henua
Saad Al Akhbia 9 10 11 12 13 (324)
April 1 2 3 (93) 4 5
Ca1-11 Ca1-12 Ca1-13 Ca1-14 Ca1-15
te Rei kua hakagana te henua honu te henua

But we should first remember Allen's comments regarding Saad Al Akhbia, because they seem relevant:

... γ [Aquarii], 4.1, greenish, on the right arm at the inner edge of the Urn, and the westernmost star in the Y, is Sadachbia, from Al Sa'd al Ahbiyah, which has been interpreted the Lucky Star of Hidden Things or Hiding-places, because when it emerged from the sun's rays all hidden worms and reptiles, buried during the preceding cold, creep out of their holes!

But as this word Ah Biyah is merely the plural of Hibā', a Tent, a more reasonable explanation is that the star was so called from its rising in the spring twilight, when, after the winter's want and suffering, the nomads' tents were raised on the freshening pastures, and the pleasent weather set in. This idea renders Professor Whitney's 'Felicity of Tents' a happy translation of the original ...

Rasing tents requires 'pillars', and when the sky roof in spring is raised high it ought to require supporting poles. Someone has to raise them (hakagana).

In Ca1-8 there is a figure which for some reasons has been drawn obviously incomplete and Metoro said te honu. 6 glyphs later there is a more complete yet different figure and Metoro said honu.


1. Turtle. 2. Spider (the species found in houses). Vanaga.

Turtle. P Mgv.: honu, onu, id. Mq.,Ta.: honu, id. To.: fonu, id. Ha.: honu, id. Churchill.

To.: fonu, turtle, tortoise, Fu., Niuē, Uvea, Fotuna: fonu, turtle ... Sa.: volu, tortoise. Nukuoro: holu, turtle. Viti: vonu, turtle. Churchill 2.

... It grew light, and again Ira spoke. This is what he said: 'Turn around, all of you, and go down to ride the waves (literally, 'to the turtle, to act like a turtle') ... Barthel 2.

As I have noted earlier we ought to distinguish between Rogo and honu glyphs:

*Ca14-18 *Ca14-19 *Ca14-20 (383)
Aoril 5 (461) 6 7
*Ca14-21 *Ca14-22 *Ca14-23
Aoril 8 9 (465) 10
*Ca14-24 *Ca14-25 *Ca14-26
Aoril 11 12 13 (469)
*Ca14-27 *Ca14-28 *Ca14-29 (392)
Aoril 14 15 16 (472)
Side b
Cb1-1 (393) Cb1-2 Cb1-3
Aoril 17 (108) 18 19

There are 2 honu glyphs at the beginning of this 15-group and a single central one (Cb1-2) at its end. In between are 2 Rogo glyphs plus a 'fake Rogo' (Ca14-22) with a dot in front.

Ca1-14 is not such a 'fake Rogo' - a figure without proper 'wings'-  instead it is a true Rogo but with legs added. It is the opposite of the figure in Ca14-22:

7 5 370
Ca1-8 Ca1-14 *Ca14-22 (385)

According to Chinese experts legs evidently could have characterized the beginning of April, and after having traversed the 'Sea' and reached a happy (sa'd) landing it should indeed feel good to stretch the legs:

10 Girl ε Aquarii Bat
11 Emptiness β Aquarii Rat
12 Rooftop α Aquarii Swallow
13 House α Pegasi Pig
14 Wall γ Pegasi Porcupine
15 Legs η Andromedae (?) Wolf
16 Bond β Arietis Dog

To flex the knees lightly, as used to do the youths of both sexes when, after having stayed inside for a long period to get a fair complexion, they showed themselves off in dances called te hikiga haúga, parading on a footpath of smooth stones, with their faces painted, lightly flexing their knees with each step. Vanaga.

Tail fin G (? hiku). Churchill.

Hiki kioe (Cyperus vegetus), a plant whose roots were eaten during times of famine and the stems of which were used for medicinal purposes. Barthel 2. 

Pau.: Hiki. 1. To fondle. Mgv.: hiki, to dandle. Ta.: hii, id. Mq.: hiki, id. 2. To flee. Mq.: hiki, flight. Pau.: Fakahihiu, to scare away, Ma.: whiu, to drive. Churchill.

Mgv.: Hiki, to commence or to finish mat weaving. Mq.: hiki, to finish mat weaving. Churchill.

We have earlier noted the heliacal and nakshatra positions of Spica:

178 182
Cb8-7 (570) *Ca14-21 (384) *Ca14-22 *Ca14-23 Cb8-6
11 (285) 178 Aoril 8 (464) 9 10 (100) 182 October 10
180 Spica 183 Spica

The manzil Saad Al Akhbia (the happy tent raisers in early spring) ends with April 5, which in rongorongo times was 4 days before Spica reached her nakshatra position close to full moon.

7 Saad Al Akhbia 6 4 11 12 (323) 369 Almuqaddam 3 4 (328)
March 29 April 3 (93) 4 April 8 9 (465)
Ca1-8 Ca1-13 Ca1-14 *Ca14-21 (384) *Ca14-22
  Cih (12.4) 371 = 7 * 53 Spica

I suggest Metoro's honu posssibly refers to the 'Mother Earth Turtle', the middle world between the extremes of the upper domains and the underworld of the dead:

... An iconographic study by Jeff Kowalski suggests a cosmological layout for the Nunnery. The higher placement of the North Building, with its 13 exterior doorways (reflecting the 13 layers of heaven), and the celestial serpents surmounting the huts identify it with the celestial sphere. The iconography of the West Building, with 7 exterior doorways (7 is the mystic number of the earth's surface), and figures of Pawahtun - the earth god as a turtle - indicate this to be the Middleworld, the place of the sun's descent into the Underworld.

The East Building has mosaic elements reflecting the old war cult of Teotihuacan, where tradition had it that the sun was born; thus, this may also be Middleworld, the place of the rising sun. Finally, the South Building has 9 exterior doorways (the Underworld or Xibalba had 9 layers), and has the lowest placement in the compex; it thus seems to be associated with death and the nether regions.

29 * (13 + 7) = 580 and 9 * 29½ = 265½. 580 - 265½ = 314½.

Spica is the main star of Virgo and once this constellation of Mother Earth - at the midline of the sky dome where Sun moves down from the northern to the southern hemisphere - rose heliacally just after the June solstice. Precession has since moved her leading star to October 10 (which south of the equator corresponds to her nakshatra position in April 10, day 100).