At the end of line Ga1, at the Rei talisman (a sacred object for protection used at the end), it is necessary to continue reading line Ga2 upside down, and this point in time should correspond to a 'corner of a house'. And it does, because counting from Tau-ono (*55) to Canopus (*95) there are 40 nights and 40 days. However, I cannot begin the next page in my 'Preliminary reading of the G text' with this information. Instead: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
The last glyph in line Ga1 is drawn as a perfectly beautiful small Rei talisman, a type of glyph which does not occur on side b of the tablet:
My calendar dates - showing where the heliacal stars anciently were at some of the times which I think would have been worthy of remembering up to modern times - could be relevant for interpreting the beginning of the G text. In our Gregorian calendar June 20 comes 13 weeks (7 * 13 = 91 = 364 / 4) after March 21 (equinox, 0h), and in rongorongo times the stars would due to the precession of the equinoxes have advanced ca 4 days compared to the year 1582 A.D. when Gregory XIII updated the Julian calendar. The Sun arrives a little earlier every spring and the stars will consequently arrive a little later every year according to a Sun-based calendar. The relevant stars for June 20 in 1582 A.D. were in rongorongo times at June 24 (St John's Eve). In rongorongo times Rei in Ga1-30 corresponded to a star position at June 23 when Furud (ζ Canis Majoris) rose with the Sun. I suggest the current star positions were foremost in the mind of the creator of the text. My 'proof' is Ga1-27--28 where the glyphs are expressing 'solstice'. The June solstice should be at 6h and the December solstice at 18h one could suppose, but the Sun moves with a speed which changes slightly over the days of the year. 18h / 24h * 365¼ = *273.9 is at December 19 (353) according to my way of presenting the facts, where I have used the convention June 21 and December 21 for the solstices. In rongorongo times Rei in Ga1-30 ought to have been between heliacal Tejat Prior and Tejat Posterior (η and μ Gemini), between the feet of Castor: ... Tejat prior is from Al Tahāyi, an anatomical term of Arabia, by which it was known in early days; a name also applied to stars in the head of Orion. The path of the Sun could be perceived as leading down from a place among the stars high up in the sky, emerging from some point before Aldebaran, then leading past the 'lifeless old skull' of Orion (at Heka, λ) and past the 'moist' Betelgeuze on the brink of the Milky Way river, then to cross this river in order to finally 'make landfall' between the feet of Castor.