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Next page is beginning with Lucia, not the saint (St Lucy) who took out her eyes in dismay, but the ancient pagan bringer of light, she who glorified the rays from the Sun, a female Lucifer:

In Sweden, where the return of the Sun after midwinter is still important and not forgotten, 'St Lucia' is  a beautiful female 'Stag' with candles in her hair, who together with her supporters will arrive in the early (still dark) morning. Ancently the Sun was a female (cfr die Sonne in German) among peoples living in high latitudes.

The celebration takes place in December 13 which is 8 dark nights before the solstice (maybe alluding to the 8 dark nights between the evening and morning 'faces' of Venus). The positions of the small dots in front in Ga1-20 and Ga1-21 carry information - together they mean 'rising'. The hook at bottom in Ga1-19 suggests 'lifting up'.

Ga1-19 Ga1-20 Ga1-21
Al Hak'ah-3 / Mrigashīrsha-5 / Turtle-20 Three Stars-21 / ANA-IVA (7) ο Aurigae (85.8), γ Leporis (85.9)

Yang Mun

Arneb, Crab Nebula (83.0, φ¹ Orionis (83.1), HEKA, Orion Nebula (83.2), φ² Orionis (83.6), Alnilam (83.7) Heavenly Gate, ν Columbae (84.0), ω Orionis (84.2),  ALNITAK, PHAKT (Phaet) (84.7)
June 12 13 14 (165)
ºJune 8 9 (160) 10 (*81)
'May 16 17 (137) 18 (*58)
'Vaitu Potu 16 (136) 17 18
"May 2 (122 = 366 / 3) 3 (*43) 4 (124 + 366 = 490)
Ras Alhague (266.1), Sargas (266.3), μ Ophiuchi, π Arae (266.5), Nan Hae (266.6),  ι Herculis (266.7) λ Arae (267.1), Girtab, ο Serpentis (267.6) Kelb Alrai, μ Arae (268.1), Kew Ho (268.6), η Pavonis (268.7), Apollyon (268.9)
December 12 LUCIA 14 (348)
ºDecember 8 9 10 (344)
'November 15 16 17 (321)
 'Ko Ruti 15 16 (*240) 17
"November 1 (*225) 2 3 (307)
Ga1-22 Ga1-23 Ga1-24 Ga1-25 Ga1-26
 μ Columbae, Saiph (86.5), τ Aurigae, ζ Leporis (86.6) υ Aurigae (87.1), ν Aurigae (87.2), Wezn, δ Leporis (87.7), Tze (87.9) Ardra-6 / ANA-VARU (8) η Leporis (89.0), Praja-pāti, Menkalinan, Mahashim, and γ Columbae (89.3), π Aurigae (89.4), η Columbae (89.7) μ Orionis (90.3), χ² Orionis (90.5)
χ¹ Orionis, ξ Aurigae (88.1), BETELGEUZE (88.3), ξ Columbae (88.5), σ Columbae (88.7)

Zuben Elgenubi

June 15 16 17 (168) 18 19
ºJune 11 12 13 (164) 14 15
'May 19 20 21 22 23 (*63)
'Vaitu Potu 19 20 (140) 21 22 23
"May 5 6 (126) 7 8 9 (*49)
Muliphen (269.0), Basanismus (269.5), Pherkard (269.9) Ptolemy Cluster (270.5) Rukbalgethi Genubi (271.1), ξ Herculis (271.5), Etamin, ν Herculis (271.7), ν Ophiuchi (271.8) ζ Serpentis (272.4), τ Ophiuchi (272.9) Winnowing Basket-7
18h (273.4)
NASH (273.7), θ Arae (273.8)
December 15 16 (350) 17 18 19 (*273)
ºDecember 11 12 (*266) LUCIA 14 (348) 15
'November 18 19 20 21 22 (*246)
 'Ko Ruti 18 19 20 (324) 21 22
"November 4 5 (*229) 6 (310) 7 8
Ga1-27 Ga1-28 Ga1-29
6h (91.3) ξ Orionis (92.5) Al Han'ah-4
ν Orionis (91.4), θ Columbae (91.5), π Columbae (91.6)  TEJAT PRIOR (93.4), γ Monocerotis (93.5), κ Aurigae (93.6), κ Columbae (93.8)
June 20 (*91) 21 (SOLSTICE) 22 (173)
ºJune 16 168 18
'May 24 (*64) 25 26 (146 = 2 * 73)
'Vaitu Potu 24 145 (= 5 * 29) 26
"May 10 (*50) 11 12 (132 = 73 + 59)
Zhōngshān (274.0), π Pavonis (274.6) ι Pavonis (275.1), Polis (275.9)


η Sagittarii (276.9)
December 20 (354) 21 (SOLSTICE) 22
ºDecember 16 (350) 17 18 (*272 = 2 * 136)
'November 23 (327) 24 (*248) 25
'Ko Ruti 23 24 25 (329)
"November 9 10 (314) 11 (*235)

At both solstices the movement of the Sun slows down as if he (or she) was growing old and tired ('lazy'), finally reaching to a standstill (sol-stice).

I am leaving the last glyph Ga1-30 (the perfect 'newborn' Rei) to the beginning of the next line, because I wish to let the pair of horizontally stretched out 'rau hei' remain in memory, one male and one female it seems.