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Moving ahead we will find the Lucky Star of Hidden Things (Sadachbia, γ at the right arm of Aquarius) in February 22 and 13 days after Sadalsud:

*325 east west west east
summer solstice winter solstice
Gb2-6 (261) Gb2-7 Gb2-8 Gb2-9 Gb2-10 Gb2-11
*261 = 325 - 64 *262 (342) *263 *264 *265 *266 (Dec 12)
Al Sa'd al Su'ud-22 / Emptiness-11

BUNDA (Foundation) / KAKKAB NAMMAΧ (Star of Mighty Destiny)

θ Piscis Austrini (330.1)
Tsin (325.2), Alphirk (325.7), SADALSUD, ξ Gruis (325.9) no star listed (326) Castra (327.2), BUNDA (327.5)


Nashira (328.0), Azelfafage, κ Capricorni (328.7) Enif, Erakis (329.2), 46 Capricorni, Jih (329.3), ι Piscis Austrini (329.4), λ Capricorni (329.6), ν Cephei (329.7), DENEB ALGIEDI (329.8)
Febr 9 (40) 10 11 12 13 14
"Dec 30 (*284) 31 "Jan 1 2 3 4
Gb2-12 Gb2-13 Gb2-14 Gb2-15 Gb2-16 Gb2-17
LUCIA *268 *269 *270 (Dec 16) *271 (351) *272
Kuh (331.4), γ Gruis (331.5) no star listed (332) η Piscis Austrini (333.4) 22h (334.8) ι Pegasi (335.0), Alnair (335.1), μ Piscis Austrini, υ Piscis Austrini (335.3), Woo (335.7), Baham, τ Piscis Austrini (335.8) ζ Cephei (336.2), λ Cephei (336.3), -/270 Lac. (336.7), λ Piscis Austrini (336.8)
Kae Uh (334.0), Al Kurhah (334.4), SADALMELIK, Al Dhanab (334.6), ι Aquarii, ν Pegasi (334.7)
Febr 15 (46) 16 17 (14 * 29½) 18 19 20 (*336)
"Jan 5 6 7 8 9 10 (*295)
Gb2-18 Gb2-19 Gb2-20 Gb2-21 Gb2-22 Gb2-23
*273 *274 SOLSTICE *276 *277 X-MAS EVE
μ Gruis (337.0), ε Cephei (337.2), 1/325 Lac. (337.3), Ancha (337.4), α Tucanae (337.9) Al Sa'ad al Ahbiyah-23 / Shatabisha-25 β/172 Lac. (339.2), 4/1100 Lac. (339.4), π Aquarii (339.5)


δ Tucanae (340.1), ρ Cephei (340.2), ζ Aquarii, ν Gruis (340.3), δ Gruis (340.4), 5/1100 Lac. (340.7), σ Aquarii, 6/650 Lac. (340.9)


α/91 Lac. (341.1), Homan, β Piscis Austrini (341.2), ν Tucanae (341.5), υ Aquarii (341.9) η Aquarii (342.1), σ Gruis (342.4), Situla (342.7)
 ρ Aquarii (338.2), 2/365 Lac. (338.5), SADACHBIA (338.6), π Gruis (338.9)
February 21 22 23 24 (420) 25 (56) 26
"January 11 12 13 (378) 14 15 (*300) 16

In day 53 (February 22), where Sadachbia rose with the Sun, there is a honu in the text and this was 24 days after the π day at Albali:

17 5 10
Al Baldah Dabih Albali
January 5 January 23 January 29
*290 *308 *314
November 2 November 20 November 26
*226 *244 *250
"November 25 (*249) LUCIA (*267) "December 19 (*273)
4 7
Sadalsud θ Piscis Austrini Sadachbia
February 9 (40) February 14 February 22 (53)
*325 *330 *338
December 7 December 12 December 20
*261 *266 *274
"December 30 (*284) "January 4 (*289) "January 12 (*297)

The Lucky Star of Hidden Things was the last Arab station before the equinox month:

... γ, 4.1, greenish, on the right arm at the inner edge of the Urn, and the westernmost star in the Y, is Sadachbia, from Al Sa'd al Ahbiyah, which has been interpreted the Lucky Star of Hidden Things or Hiding-places, because when it emerged from the sun's rays all hidden worms and reptiles, buried during the preceding cold, creep out of their holes!

But as this word Ah Biyah is merely the plural of Hibā', a Tent, a more reasonable explanation is that the star was so called from its rising in the spring twilight, when, after the winter's want and suffering, the nomads' tents were raised on the freshening pastures, and the pleasent weather set in. This idea renders Professor Whitney's 'Felicity of Tents' a happy translation of the original.

ζ, η, and π are included with γ under this designation by Ulug Beg - ζ, in the centre marking the top of the tent; Kazwini, however, considering this central star as Al Sa'd, and the three surrounding ones his tents ...

Also the Hindu perceived corners in time 314 days after 0h and 24 days later:

24 Dhanishta  α, β, γ, and δ Delphini Drum or flute 314 = 300 + 14
most famous (or swiftest) Dolphin Jan 29 (394)
25 Shatabisha γ Aquarii Empty circle, 1000 flowers or stars 338 = 314 + 24
comprising a hundred physicians Sadachbia Feb 22 (418)