Next page: Once again: ... In the morning of the world, there was nothing but water. The Loon was calling, and the old man who at that time bore the Raven's name, Nangkilstlas, asked her why. 'The gods are homeless', the Loon replied. 'I'll see to it', said the old man, without moving from the fire in his house on the floor of the sea. Then as the old man continued to lie by his fire, the Raven flew over the sea. The clouds broke. He flew upward, drove his beak into the sky and scrambled over the rim to the upper world. There he discovered a town, and in one of the houses a woman had just given birth ... Raven discovered a town which reminds me of the 19th Arab station with the odd name City, a similar place for assembling people:
... When it was evident that the years lay ready to burst into life, everyone took hold of them, so that once more would start forth - once again - another (period of) fifty-two years. Then (the two cycles) might proceed to reach one hundred and four years. It was called 'One Age' when twice they had made the round, when twice the times of binding the years had come together. Behold what was done when the years were bound - when was reached the time when they were to draw the new fire, when now its count was accomplished. First they put out fires everywhere in the country round. And the statues, hewn in either wood or stone, kept in each man's home and regarded as gods, were all cast into the water. Also (were) these (cast away) - the pestles and the (three) hearth stones (upon which the cooking pots rested); and everywhere there was much sweeping - there was sweeping very clear. Rubbish was thrown out; none lay in any of the houses ... There were 5 weeks from the star Al Baldah at the left ear of the Archer to the star Sadalsud at the left shoulder of Aquarius, and then there were a further 5 days to θ Piscis Austrini - but only a further 4 days if the counting went to ι Aquarii (which rose at the same time as 46 Capricorni):
10 * 29 = 290 days at heliacal Al Baldah in January 5 suggests this was the final station for the Old Sun, i.e. the end of a cycle possibly measuring twice 5 months with 29 days in each.
Between the City (Al Baldah) and the Luckiest of the Lucky (Sadalsud) were the Lucky One of the Slaughterers (Dabih, β Capricorni) and the Good Fortune of the Swallower (Albali, ε Aquarii):
Obviously Albali, the Good Luck of the Swallower, had a central role to play. The star was rising with the Sun in RA day 314 and at midnight Betelgeuze culminated. A hanged victim followed.
... Whereas, over the next two days, Lono plays the part of the sacrifice. The Makahiki effigy is dismantled and hidden away in a rite watched over by the king's 'living god', Kahoali'i or 'The-Companion-of-the-King', the one who is also known as 'Death-is-Near' (Koke-na-make). Close kinsman of the king as his ceremonial double, Kahoali'i swallows the eye of the victim in ceremonies of human sacrifice ... "Hitotsume-kozō ... are a yōkai of Japan that take on the appearance of a bald child with one eye in the center of its forehead." (Wikipedia)
At the time of Bharani this was 273 days after 0h (i.e. 80 days after September 30) and also the other dates at that time seem to have been in their proper time order.
In Gb1-21 there could be a pair of hanging eyes. One of the pair of Goat horns (which south of the equator would look as if hanging down) seems to be within reach according to Hevelius. He has Gredi (α) at the upper horn and β (Dabih) at the lower horn:
... the names [Dabih and other similar ones] undoubtedly come from Al Sa'd al Dhābi, the Lucky One of the Slaughterers, the title of the 20th manzil (of which these alphas and β were the determinant point), manifestly referring to the sacrifice celebrated by the heathen Arabs at the heliacal rising of Capricorn ...