Beyond the 3rd (and now in full view) kiore+henua more such will arrive. The following shows the first of them:
Ka4-1 |
Ka4-2 (*130) |
Ka4-3 (65) |
η Cancri (128.5) |
π¹ Ursa Majoris, δ Hydrae (129.6), Al Minhar al Shujā, Museida (129.9), Beehive (130.4) |
Ascellus Borealis (130.9), η Hydrae (131.0), Ascellus Australis (131.4) |
'July 28 (209) |
'29 |
'30 |
Alhena 7 (73) |
8 |
9 |
Ka4-4 |
Ka4-5 |
Ka4-6 |
Ka4-7 (69) |
ε Hydrae (131.9), ι Cancri (132.0), ρ Hydrae (132.4) |
ζ Hydrae (134.1) |
Acubens, Talitha Borealis (135.0) |
'July 31 (212) |
'August 1 |
2 |
3 |
Alhena 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
Ka4-8 (*136) |
Ka4-9 |
Ka4-10 (72) |
ρ Ursa Majoris (135.6), ν Cancri (136.0), Talitha Australis (136.1) |
ω Hydrae (136.8), σ¹ Ursa Majoris (137.0), κ Cancri (137.3) |
Alsuhail (137.5), σ² Ursa Majoris (137.6), τ Ursa Majoris (137.7), ξ Cancri (137.8) |
'August 4 (216) |
'5 |
'6 |
Murzim 1 (80) |
2 |
3 |
Ka4-11 |
Ka4-12 (74) |
Miaplacidus (139.3) |
Tureis (139.8) |
'August 7 |
'8 |
Murzim 4 |
5 |
Ka4-13 |
Ka4-14 |
Ka4-15 (77) |
Al Minhar al Asad (141.6), Alphard (142.3) |
ω Leonis (142.6), τ¹ Hydrae (142.7), Alterf, τ² Hydrae (143.4) |
'August 9 |
'10 (222) |
'11 |
Murzim 6 |
7 |
8 |
Ka4-16 (*144) |
Ka5-1 (79) |
ξ Leonis (143.5), A Hydrae (144.1) |
Ukdah (145.4) |
'August 12 |
'13 (225) |
Murzim 9 |
10 (89) |
The Gregorian day number minus 80 equals the right ascension day (e.g. 225 - 80 = 145). The Gregorian day number minus 146 (= 80 + 66) equals the glyph number (e.g. 225 - 146 = 79).
The Gregorian day number minus 136 equals the Arabic manzil day number (e.g. 225 - 136 = 89).
Therefore the manzil day numbers = glyph number + 10. 146 = 2 * 73. The implication seems to be the K text was beginning in 'May 26 (146). There are 2 glyphs 'missing' at the end of line a1 (cfr the discussion in Ka2):
Ga1-20 (21) |
Ga1-21 |
Hatysa (83.5), Alnilam (83.7), Heavenly Gate (84.0) |
Alnitak, Phakt (Phaet), (84.7) |
'June 13 |
'14 |
Albatain 1 (28) |
2 |
With the G text beginning in 'May 24 (144), the missing pair of glyphs in K forces a shift from 'May 24 to 'May 26 (where 5 * 26 = 130). The K perspective is evidently different from that of G and 26 could allude to the declination of Antares (ca 26º S):