We should notice how Ka3-21 seems to be referring back to Ka1-12:
43 |
Ka1-11 |
Ka1-12 |
Almaaz (74.7), Haedus I (74.8) |
Haedus II (75.9), ε Leporis (76.0), Cursa (76.4) |
'June 4 |
'5h (76.1) |
45 |
Pleione 5 |
6 (20) |
Ka3-15 |
Ka3-16 |
Ka3-17 |
Ka3-18 (*125) |
Ka3-19 (60) |
Ka3-20 |
Ka3-21 |
Heap of Fuel (122.1) |
Tegmine (123.3) |
Al Tarf (124.3) |
Bright Fire (125.4) |
Avior (126.4) |
ο Ursa Majoris (127.4) |
θ Cancri (128.2) |
'8h (121.7) |
'22/7 = π |
'July 23 |
'24 |
'25 |
'26 |
'27 (208) |
Heka 13 |
Alhena 1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 (72) |
It seems to imply the sitting figure, soon to emerge as a kiore, gradually is coming into view.
Counting days (as I so far have tried to do it) results in 52 (= 4 * 13) , slightly more than 3 right ascension hours. Counting glyphs requires 50 steps.
Next time the figure appears he is in full view and his position is immediately beyond the 'nose' of the Chinese Willow:
Ka4-1 |
Ka4-2 (*130) |
Ka4-3 (65) |
η Cancri (128.5) |
π¹ Ursa Majoris, δ Hydrae (129.6), Al Minhar al Shujā, Museida (129.9), Beehive (130.4) |
Ascellus Borealis (130.9), η Hydrae (131.0), Ascellus Australis (131.4) |
'July 28 (209) |
'29 |
'30 |
Alhena 7 (73) |
8 |
9 |
In G there is no shape similar to the first hardly more than hinted at kiore in Ka1-12:
Ga1-7 |
Ga1-8 |
Ga1-9 |
Ga1-10 |
Ga1-11 (*75) |
Hassaleh (73.6) |
Almaaz (74.7), Haedus I (74.8) |
'May 31 |
'June 1 |
'2 |
'3 |
'4 |
Pleione 1 (15) |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Ga1-12 |
Ga1-13 |
Ga1-14 |
Haedus II (75.9), ε Leporis (76.0), Cursa (76.4) |
λ Eridani (76.7) |
μ Leporis (77.6), ĸ Leporis (78.0), Rigel (78.1), Capella (78.4) |
'5h (76.1) |
'June 6 (157) |
'7 |
Pleione 6 |
7 |
8 |