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8. There are problems, though. First we should notice that our ordinal number 14 for the kuhane station Hanga Takaure (counted from Mercury and Te Pu Mahore), does not agree with the number of lunar months (16) for the cycle in G (counted from Gb8-30).

Next we must question ourselves why Hanga Takaure should be both at the end of side b and at Ga4-1 about a quarter later:

Hanga Takaure

Gb8-26 Gb8-27 Gb8-28 Gb8-29 Gb8-30 (472)
116 116
Gb4-1 (322) Gb7-28 Gb7-29 (440) Ga4-1 (85)

236 = 8 * 29.5

I think the solutions to these and similar problems possibly can be found by studying the round Dendera zodiac:

Here I have turned the zodiac upside down, because when we are south of the equator we should have winter at bottom if we are looking towards Sun and the equator. The summer pole is here at the top, where it should be.

The G text evidently has winter solstice somewhere between Hanga Te Pau (Gb5-12, 366) and the beginning of the front side (Gb8-30, 472). In the Dendera zodiac the sea is beginning with Aquarius and land arrives with the first of the blue figures ('The Mad Hatter') below Libra.

An infant Sun (sucking his finger) is drawn inside a circle on the beam of the balance, making clear for everyone that Sun is a little child at Libra, and the living spirit of the Old Lion below has presumably migrated to the child above:

The cycle of G could very well be patterned similarly, with midwinter 6 signs beyond the summer pole and with 10 signs from midwinter (between Capricorn and Sagittarius) to the summer pole. But instead of counting 6 + 10 = 16 we presumably should count 8 + 10 = 18, because Taurus and Pisces seem to fill up holes in the bluemarked series.

Maybe Hanga Takaure at Ga4-1 corresponds to the 'Mad Hatter' at spring equinox. If we count 85 + 6 = 91 this is a quarter of 364. And maybe we cannot count the glyphs from Hanga Te Pau because these nights are 'black' (in the sea). The land calendar could end at Hanga Te Pau and begin anew beyond Hanga Takaure:

side b
Gb5-10 Gb5-11 (365) Gb5-12
side a
Ga1-1 (2) Ga4-1 (85) Ga4-2

365 - 85 = 280. The 'sea section' of the G text would then be 472 - 280 = 192 nights long. We remember that the text of K presumably was created with 192 glyphs in mind.

The winter pole seems to have vanished somewhere in the sea - no pole is to be seen between Capricorn and Sagittarius - and possibly it has disappeared into the immovable ('dead') center of a whirlpool.