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8. We are now prepared to terminate this chapter on Hamal with the following:

"Strassmeier and Epping, in their Astronomishes aus Babylon, say that there its stars formed the third of the twenty-eight ecliptic constellations, - Arku-sha-rishu-ku, literally the Back of the Head of Ku, - which had been established along that great circle milleniums before our era; and Lenormant quotes, as an individual title from cuneiform inscriptions, Dil-kar, the Proclaimer of Dawn, that Jensen reads As-kar, and others Dil-gan, the Messenger of Light.

George Smith inferred from the tablets that it might be the Star of the Flocks; while other Euphratean names have been Lu-lim, or Lu-nit, the Ram's Eye; and Si-mal or Si-mul, the Horn star, which came down even to late astrology as the Ram's Horn.

It also was Anuv, and had its constellation's titles I-ku and I-ku-u, - by abbreviation Ku, - the Prince, or the Leading One, the Ram that led the heavenly flock, some of íts titles at a different date being applied to Capella of Auriga.

Brown associates it with Aloros, the first of the ten mythical kings of Akkad anterior to the Deluge, the duration of whose reigns proportionately coincided with the distances apart of the ten chief ecliptic stars beginning with Hamal, and he deduces from this kingly title the Assyrian Ailuv, and hence the Hebrew Ayil; the other stars corresponding to the other mythical kings being Alcyone, Aldebaran, Pollux, Regulus, Spica, Antares, Algenib, Deneb Algedi, and Scheat." (Allen)

Manuscript E is beginning with a list of 10 ancient kings (ariki motogi) and maybe these correspond to the mentioned stars of mythical kings:

ko oto uta ariki motongi 1
ko tangaroa.a oto uta ariki motongi 2
ko tiki hati.a tangaroa ariki motongi 3
ko roroi.a tiki hati ariki motongi 4
ko tuu kumā.a roroi ariki motongi 5
ko ataranga.a tuu kumā ariki motongi 6
ko harai.a ataranga ariki motongi 7
ko taana.a harai ariki motongi 8
ko matua.a taana ariki motongi 9
ko hotu.a matua ariki motongi 10
O maori te ariki nei. etahi te angahuru. ko maori. te ingoa o te kainga. ko marae renga te ingoa. o te maara noho o te ariki.nui.ko ma rae tohia te rua maara noho o te ariki.