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1. Kaffaljidhma is nowadays the name of γ Ceti but it once was the name of the head of the whale:

"Al Kaff al Jidmah is the Arabs' name for the whole group marking the Whale's head, but in modern lists is exclusively applied to this star." (Allen)

Mira is the variable star in the neck of the whale.

Caph β Cassiopeiae 2.28 58º 52' N 00h 06m 1.5 409.5 409.5
Sirrah α Andromedae 2.07 28º 49' N 00h 06m 1.5 409.5 409.5
Algenib γ Pegasi 2.83 14º 54' N 00h 11m 2.8 410.8 410.7
Delta δ Andromedae 3.27 30º 52' N 00h 37m 9.4 417.4 417¼
Schedir α Cassiopeiae 2.24 56º 16' N 00h 38m 9.6 417.6 417.5
Deneb Kaitos β Ceti 2.04 18º 16' S 00h 41m 10.4 418.4 418.2
Achird η Cassiopeiae 3.46 57º 33' N 00h 46m 11.7 419.7 419.5
Cih γ Cassiopeiae 2.15 60º 26' N 00h 53m 13.4 421.4 421.2
Mirach β Andromedae 2.07 35º 21' N 01h 07m 17.0 425.0 424.7
Anunitum τ Piscium 4.51 30º 05' N 01h 09m 17.5 425.5 425¼
Ksora δ Cassiopeia 2.66 59º 59' N 01h 23m 21.1 429.1 428.7
Achernar α Eridani 0.45 57º 29' S 01h 36m 24.3 432.3 432
Polaris α Ursa Minoris 1.97 89º 02' N 01h 49m 27.6 435.6 435.2
Baten Kaitos ζ Ceti 3.74 10º 35' S 01h 49m 27.6 435.6 435.5
Metallah α Trianguli 3.42 29º 20' N 01h 50m 27.9 435.9 435.5
Segin ε Cassiopeia 3.35 63º 25' N 01h 51m 28.2 436.2 435.7
Mesarthim γ Arietis 3.88 19º 03' N 01h 51m 28.2 436.2 435.7
Sheratan β Arietis 2.64 20º 34' N 01h 52m 28.4 436.4 436
Alrisha α Piscium 4.33 2º 31' N 01h 59m 30.2 438.2 437.8
Alamak γ Andromedae 2.10 42º 05' N 02h 01m 30.7 438.7 438¼
Hamal α Arietis 2.01 23º 14' N 02h 04m 31.5 439.5 439
Mira ο Ceti 3.04 03º 02' S 02h 17m 34.7 442.7 442.2
Kaffaljidhma γ Ceti 3.47 03º 02' N 02h 41m 40.8 448.8 448.2
Menkar α Ceti 2.54 03º 54' N 03h 00m 45.7 453.7 453

For practical reasons I have chosen to list also Menkar although it at present is at the beginning of the 4th hour. 3 / 24 * 360 = 45 and added to 408 this becomes 453, a number which in rongorongo may allude to a kind of final (which agees with Saturday in Gb8-11). 453 = 300 + 153:

Gb5-26 Gb5-27 Gb5-28 Gb5-29 (**153)
Gb6-1 Gb6-2 Gb6-3 Gb6-4

Gb5-29 has ordinal number 153 counted from the beginning of side b. From the beginning of side a its number is 383 (= 13 * 29½ - ½). Counting from Gb6-20 its ordinal number is 70 + 383 = 453:

16 69 382
Gb6-17 Gb6-18 Gb6-19 Gb6-20 (403) Gb5-29 (**153)
3 453

Moreover, the day number 448.8 for Kaffaljidhma is the result of adding 40.8 and 408.

Gb7-25 (436)
 Polaris (435.6), Baten Kaitos (435.6), Metallah (435.9), Segin (436.2), Mesarthim (436.2), Sheratan (436.4)
Gb7-26 Gb7-27 Gb7-28 Gb7-29 (**4)
  Alrisha (438.2) Alamak (438.7)  Hamal (439.5)
Gb7-30 (**5) Gb7-31
Gb8-1 (443) Gb8-2 Gb8-3 Gb8-4 Gb8-5
Mira (442.7)        
Gb8-6 (448) Gb8-7 Gb8-8 Gb8-9 Gb8-10
  Kaffaljidhma (448.8)      
Gb8-11 (453) Gb8-12 Gb8-13
Menkar (453.7)