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2. There is a symmetry around Gb7-28:

Gb7-27 Gb7-28 (439) Gb7-29
Alrisha (438.2) Alamak (438.7)  Hamal (439.5)

The sitting persons are basically the same, but their fronts are different. We should notice the vertical straight line in the mouth of Gb7-29, probably a 'line of measurement'.

I have put Hamal at Gb7-29 partly because this triplet of glyphs could picture the old and the new with a birth in the middle. 440 will be the glyph number for Hamal if we round up 439.5 in the way we normally do.

72 * 9 = 18 * 36 = 2 * 18 * 18 = 648.

But a birth should be at a day of Venus, in which case Hamal would represent the day of new fire:

Gb7-25 (436)
 Polaris (435.6), Baten Kaitos (435.6), Metallah (435.9), Segin (436.2), Mesarthim (436.2), Sheratan (436.4)
Gb7-26 Gb7-27 Gb7-28 Gb7-29 (**4)
  Alrisha (438.2) Alamak (438.7)  Hamal (439.5)

72 * 5 = 360. Furthermore, Polaris and the 'spike' in the tail of vaha mea are signs which probably indicate a cardinal point.

Ordinal number 27 at Alrisha points at Jupiter and in Thursday the same type of person, sitting down and eating, is depicted several times:

9 * 40 = 360
Hb9-39 Hb9-40 Hb9-41 Hb9-42
Hb9-43 Hb9-44 Hb9-45 Hb9-46 Hb9-47

Comparing with the glyphs in G there are resemblances:

Gb7-30 (**5) Gb7-31
Gb8-1 Gb8-2 Gb8-3 Gb8-4 Gb8-5

The Janus sign in Gb8-1 can be compared with the Janus sign in Hb9-42. The kava signs in Thursday can be compared with the signs in Gb7-31, a glyph which I once - for some reason - imagined could have a sign of kava:

kava glyphs in G
Gb1-12 Gb5-25 Gb6-3 Gb7-31

In hindsight, though, it seems more reasonable to classify the broken henua in Gb8-2 as kava.

Manu rere at the end of Thursday has its parallel in manu rere with a reversed head in Gb8-5. Both seem to be Sundays. The Ram is always depicted with a reversed head:

The reversed head sign means there is nothing to look forward to, the end has been reached:

"The Jewish Nīsān, our March-April, was associated with Aries, for Josephus said that it was when the sun was here in this month that his people were released from the bondage of Egypt; and so was the same month Nisanu of Assyria, where Aries represented the Altar and the Sacrifice, a ram usually being the victim.

Hence the prominence given to this sign in antiquity even before its stars became the leaders of the rest; although Berōssōs and Macrobius attributed this to the ancient belief that the earth was created when the sun was within its boundaries; and Albumasar, of the 9th century, in his Revolution of Years, wrote of the Creation as having taken place when 'the seven planets' - the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn - were in conjunction here, and foretold the destruction of the world when they would be in the same position in the last degree of Pisces." (Allen)