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3. The reversed head of the Hired Man ought to indicate the time of Creation - or the release (exit, exodus) from the bondage (chains) of winter:

If A.NU.NI.TUM was a name for τ Piscium, then the Rainbow sign between this star and the Stag probably indicates where the new light arrived in the sky.

Close by, somewhat later and lower down, another rainbow sign serves as the horn of the Hired Man. I guess it refers to the time when the new light arrived down on 'earth'.

23 Equatorial stars on the Path of Anu

The Field

the seat of Ea, which leads the stars of Anu


The star at the Field

the Swallow


The star behind the Field



The star behind it

the Hired Man


... The Field, the seat of Ea, which leads the stars of Anu  (The 4 stars of the Square of Pegasus)
The star at the Field, the Swallow (The head & neck of Pegasus, & the western fish of Pisces)
The star behind the Field, Anunitum (The northern fish of Pisces)
The star behind it, the Hired Man, Dumuzi  (Aries) ...

The Swallow is joined by a forked path to Anunitum and in between lies the Field. The right wing of the Swallow is touching a corner of the Field. I think this is an earlier version of the Fly touching the back of the Ram. It probably indicates the point of contact between the old year and the new year.

The right front leg of the Horse is also connected to the Field, perhaps indicating a similar contact between the old and new years up in the sky. We can imagine a line from above, from the left back paw of the Panther and down through the head of the Horse (ultimately ending at the Fish). In the Mul-Apin text this region belongs at the end of The Path of Enlil:

The Panther



The star to his right

the Swine



The star to his left

the Horse


The star behind him

the Stag

messenger of the Star Cluster


The dusky stars at the breast of the Stag, Harriru

god of the Rainbow


The bright red star at the kidney of the Stag

the Destroyer


... The Panther, Nergal  (Most of Cygnus & probably part of Cepheus)
The star to his right, the Swine, Damu  (Probably Delphinus)
The star to his left, the Horse (front legs of Pegasus & Lacerta)
The star behind him, the Stag, messenger of the Star Cluster  (Cassiopeia & part of Andromeda)
The dusky stars at the breast of the Stag, Harriru, god of the Rainbow (The spiral galaxy M31 in Andromeda)
The bright red star at the kidney of the Stag, the Destroyer (The star Gamma in Cassiopeia).

'To his right' and 'to his left' here evidently means 'earlier' respectively 'later'. The Panther has his head earlier than his back. His front side is at right.