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5. Once again, Heyerdahl interpreted the lenticular shape resting on the back of the whale as a hare paega with a square door:

I believe his interpretation was correct, and that the crescent dorsal fin sloping down from its roof could illustrate the form defined by the bands which in Pisces lead to the knot at the neck of the monster:

The square door could represent the Pegasus Square and the door leads out from (or in to) the dark interior of the hare paega (a canoe turned upside down, a 'dead' canoe) and the Square of the Winged Horse could be the way out for the old year.

This agrees with how the back side of the head of Andromeda is joined to the square, she personifies the new year:

There is a common sign language which connects the door from one year to the next with a human skull.

When the stone fish was created it evidently was done with the view of Cetus as observed when looking north. The constellation image was not turned upside down although Easter Island is south of the equator. But the upside down canoe may have been an original thought.