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6. My idea of assembling a star list followed naturally from learning about the Tahitian 10 star pillars (ana) and a guess that mago in Ga7-16 could be a picture of Scorpio, although adapted from a landbased creature to a fish due to the position of Easter Island south of the equator.


Ana-mua, entrance pillar

Antares, α Scorpii

-26° 19'  16h 26


Ana-muri, rear pillar (at the foot of which was the place for tattooing)

Aldebaran, α Tauri

16° 25'  04h 33


Ana-roto, middle pillar

Spica, α Virginis

-10° 54'  13h 23


Ana-tipu, upper-side-pillar (where the guards stood)

Dubhe, α Ursae Majoris

62° 01'  11h 01


Ana-heu-heu-po, the pillar where debates were held

Alphard, α Hydrae

-08° 26'  09h 25


Ana-tahua-taata-metua-te-tupu-mavae, a pillar to stand by

Arcturus, α Bootis

19° 27'  14h 13


Ana-tahua-vahine-o-toa-te-manava, pillar for elocution

Procyon, α Canis Minoris

05° 21'  07h 37


Ana-varu, pillar to sit by

Betelgeuse, α Orionis

07° 24'  05h 52


Ana-iva, pillar of exit

Phaed, γ Ursae Majoris

53° 58'  11h 51


Ana-nia, pillar-to-fish-by

North Star, α Ursae Minoris

89° 02'  01h 49

The 'entrance pillar', Ana-mua (Antares, α Scorpii), is the first item on the Tahitian list and perhaps mago in Ga7-16 refers to Antares, I thought.

7 * 16 = 112 = 8 * 14, possibly to be interpreted as 8 fortnights. Ga7-16 is glyph number 186 and 186 - 112 = 74. Probably 74 is meant as a pointer to haś in Ga3-14 (π):

Ga3-10 Ga3-11 Ga3-12 Ga3-13 Ga3-14 (74) Ga3-15 Ga3-16

... It contains a week and ends with Jupiter. The π-glyph (haś) is at Mars and it has an adjunct in form of 3 toes who have come loose. They form the opposite of the 3 tiny feathers at the top end which also have come loose. The distance betweem them is not far and the meaning could be to indicate how the end of the top (the old curved generation) will continue as the beginning of the front bottom (new generation). The seeds of the old generation will sprout in spring. Counted from the beginning of the old generation Ga3-14 could be number 472 + 74 = 546 = 6 * 91 = 13 * 42 ... (see at Maro)

Much has earlier been written about the glyphs in the 3rd henua period and we cannot repeat it here, but evidently the generation of new light (life) from a head of Saturn could be the subject matter.

Counting 71 * 6 leads us to another place. 71 * 6 = 426, and glyph number 426 (= 186 + 240) is Gb7-15:

Gb7-12 Gb7-13 Gb7-14 Gb7-15 (426) Gb7-16 Gb7-17

Perhaps mago in Gb7-16 is connected not only to Gb7-13 but also to mago in Ga7-16. Line b7 is the 15th counted from line a1, the 12th counted from line a3, and the 8th counted from line a7.

Consistent with a position for Antares at mago in Ga7-16 is a position for Mirach (β Andromedae) at Gb7-14 and a position for Anunitum (τ Piscium) at Gb7-15. Mirach ('Girdle') is at the midline of Andromeda (which agrees with the 'Janus eyes' sign of hau tea). From the head down to her girdle is the first part of Andromeda and from the waist down is her 2nd part, and her body seems to illustrate the structure of the newborn year:

The rising Piscis Boreus is touched at its back by the left arm of Andromeda. The rising fish is pictured between the stars of Andromeda and the stars of Pisces, it seems to illustrate the junction between old and new:

I have searched for convincing evidence that my model for converting right ascension values to glyph positions in the G text is correct and I believe the above is as much 'proof' as can reasonably be demanded at present.

The example also demonstrates how multiplying line numbers with positions in the line could have been used as 'pointers' to other locations in the G text and by implication also to other locations in the sky roof.

If this perception also can be proven as correct, then the ordered structrure in the sky roof and the ordered structure in the G text must be intertwined into a total complex whole, a wonderful and hard to grasp cosmos of stars, numbers, glyphs, and mythic ideas.