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2. Albali at the left fist of Aquarius seems to be connected with a rau hei sign and presumably the front side covers 230 days with Sun present followed by 242 days when he is absent:

Albali - ε Aquarii
Gb1-21 (*315) Gb1-22
228 242
Ga1-22 (23) Gb1-22 (252)
Ga1-25 (26) Gb1-25 (255)
Ga1-20 Ga1-21 Ga1-22 Ga1-23 Ga1-24 Ga1-25 (*90)

We could say that the 'black cloth', which temporarily covers the face of Sun, arrives with rau hei at Albali. Interestingly another picture (by Flamsteed) shows Aquarius as a youth with a piece of cloth in his left hand:


"The constellation immemorially has been represented, even on very early Babylonians stones, as a man, or boy, pouring water from a bucket or urn, with an appropriate towel in the left hand, the human figure sometimes being omitted; while the Arabians, who knew of the latter but did not dare to show it, depicted a mule carrying two water-barrels; and again simply a water-bucket."

A water-bucket ought to correspond to the hipu (calabash, shell, cup, jug, goblet, pot, plate, vase, bowl, any such receptacle) sign in rongorongo, and Gb2-27 (where 22 and 7 could allude to π) is therefore a prime candidate for an important star in Aquarius:

Gb2-15 Gb2-16 (*336) Gb2-17 Gb2-18 Gb2-19 (275) Gb2-20 Gb2-21
Gb2-22 Gb2-23 Gb2-24 (280) Gb2-25 Gb2-26 Gb2-27 (*347) Gb2-28
Gb2-29 Gb2-30 (*350) Gb2-31

Tagata looking back (and down) in Gb2-30 (a Thursday) could represent the end of the front side of the year (day number 230 as in 2-30).