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3. In addition to Sadalmelek we have probably Albali and Skat in the G text:

Sadalmelek - α Aquarii
Gb2-15 Gb2-16 (*336)
Albali - ε Aquarii 30 Skat - δ Aquarii
Gb1-21 (*315) Gb1-22 Gb2-27 (*347) Gb2-28
Skat δ Aquarii 16º 05' S 22h 52m 348.0
Sadalachbia γ Aquarii 01º 38' N 22h 19m 339.6
Ancha ζ Aquarii 08º 02' S 22h 14m 338.4
Sadalmelek α Aquarii 00º 34' S 22h 03m 335.6
Sadalsud β Aquarii 05º 48' S 21h 29m 326.9
Albali ε Aquarii 09º 41' S 20h 45m 315.8

There is uncertainty in the exact day numbers. If I would count with a cycle with e.g. 364 days instead of 365¼,  Skat would be in day number (22 * 60 + 52) / 1440 * 364 =  346.8, but the distance from Albali to Skat is less dependent on the length of the cycle:

Skat 22h 52m 1372m 127m 365¼ 364
Albali 20h 45m 1245m 32.2 32.1

Therefore Gb2-27 should be at Skat if Gb1-21 is at Albali,  347 - 315 = 32.

Thus there are 32 days from the beginning to the end of the body of Aquarius.