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2. Precession has moved Capricorn 'ahead' in time. I have suggested day number 266 in the G text represents autumn equinox:

Nashira - γ Capricorni Deneb Algiedi - δ Capricorni
Gb2-9 (*329) Gb2-10 (266) Gb2-11 (*331) Gb2-12
Nashira γ Capricorni 16º 53' S 21h 37m 329.0
Deneb Algiedi δ Capricorni 16º 21' S 21h 44m 330.8

But Nashira and Deneb Algiedi are not in the central portion of Capricorn, they are at its tail, where 'Mars' will reappear.

330 / 365.25 * 12 = 10.8, close to the beginning of the 11th month counted from equinox = close to the beginning of the 3rd month counted from solstice.

South of the equator Capricorn should not represent the return of Spring Sun (Mars) but rather his exit:

Hora nui (a3) Tagaroa uri (a4) Ko Ruti (a5) Ko Koró (a6)
Hora iti (a2) He Anakena (a1) He Maro (b4) Vaitu potu (b3)
Tua haro (a7) Tehetu'upú (a8) Tarahao (b1) Vaitu nui (b2)
North of the equator South of the equator
spring equinox 80 (89) autumn equinox 266
summer solstice 172 (181) winter solstice 358 = 266 +172 - 80
autumn equinox 266 (275) spring equinox 87 = 358 + (266 - 172) - 365
winter solstice 356 (365) summer solstice 177 = 87 + (356 - 266) = 6 * 29½

North of the equator there are 266 - 172 = 94 days from summer solstice to autumn equinox, but south of the equator there are 266 - 177 = 89 days from summer solstice to autumn equinox. This 'proves' the G text is not describing the year north of the equator but the year south of the equator, because glyph number 177 evidently is Ga7-7:

Ga7-5 Ga7-6 Ga7-7 (177) Ga7-8 Ga7-9 Ga7-10

Mauga (the mountain) in Gb5-4 therefore indicates the position of winter solstice:

Gb4-33 (354) Gb5-1 Gb5-2 Gb5-3 Gb5-4 (358)

12 * 29½ = 354 is the number for the last day in a year measured as 12 lunar months. Hau tea in the following Gb5-1 is therefore reversed, the once universal sign for 'end', cfr e.g. the reversed Crab in the Babylonian zodiac.  The Crab is low down, close to Eridu and to the sign of Jupiter. Goats easily climb trees (which you would hardly believe if you had not seen it with your own eyes) and the Ibex is a mountain goat which may be even more appropriate, because the sweet water in the rivers originates from  the top of the high mountains.

North of the equator the return of Sun can be imagined as his 'rebirth' through a hole in the east, while south of the equator he will at the same time go away through an 'exit hole' in the west:

The meaning of the green fat tail with a hole ending in what looks like an eruption of fire seems to be clear, Spring Sun is returning.

The star in the middle of the 'fire' is λ, rising above the 'surface of the water' (the ecliptic):